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NVIDIA GTX 1080 and AMD Radoen DUO Pro announced. vray performance??

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  • #16
    Our very preliminary results show about 25% faster renders compared to a GTX 980 and 3% faster to a Titan X on average (some scenes were actually faster on the Titan X though).

    Blago still has to run some tests with CUDA 8 to see if there is any difference and we will post the more detailed benchmarks.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #17
      Here is the V-Ray RT GPU CUDA test.
      As Vlado noted, this is a bit preliminary testing, but since the GTX Pascal GPUs are similar to Maxwell ones, I don't expect any major changes. In denoising, the 1080 did even better, outperforming the Titan X with a bigger margin. Having monitor attached to the 1080 decreased the performance with up to 10%.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 21.21.45.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	216.8 KB
ID:	862267

      Btw you don't need special build to use a Pascal GPU.
      Every V-Ray 3.30 (or newer) version works well with the 1080.
      Last edited by savage309; 01-06-2016, 11:50 AM.
      V-Ray fan.
      Looking busy around GPUs ...
      RTX ON


      • #18
        good new, I think receive mine next week.
        And GPU fan issue is now fixed with next nvidia driver release.
        Last edited by Raph4; 03-06-2016, 01:40 AM.


        • #19
          I ordered mine last week so should have it sometime this week. I got the MSI Gaming X version here:

          Currently I have a K5200 quadro but it's hella slow compared to the Titan X when using RT. Is it possible to use both my K5200 and the 1080 in unison whilst rendering with RT production and RT active shade?

          Also, can someone more tech savy explain why the 1080 is faster than the Titan and 980 despite having the least CUDA cores?
          Last edited by AC5L4T3R; 07-06-2016, 01:57 AM.
          CGI Artist @ Staud Studios


          • #20
            Originally posted by AC5L4T3R View Post
            Is it possible to use both my K5200 and the 1080 in unison whilst rendering with RT production and RT active shade?
            Yes. You can pick which devices to be used for RT GPU rendering form the RT settings tab in Max.

            Originally posted by AC5L4T3R View Post
            Also, can someone more tech savy explain why the 1080 is faster than the Titan and 980 despite having the least CUDA cores?
            It runs at 1.6 Ghz vs 1.0 Ghz for the Titan X.

            V-Ray fan.
            Looking busy around GPUs ...
            RTX ON


            • #21
              Originally posted by AC5L4T3R View Post
              (albeit sometimes navigation is painfully slow - if anyone has any idea how to fix this let me know)
              First you might try lowering the values of the Ray Bundle Size and Rays Per Pixel (Vray RT tab) and see if that gets you any better interactivity before too much of a rendering performance hit. The other idea of course is to add a card just for display, and that way your GPU rendering will not effect the speed of your interactive display.

              Hope it helps some,



              • #22
                Thanks, I'll give it a shot. I should be getting a 1080 this week so I'll use my K5200 for the display.
                CGI Artist @ Staud Studios


                • #23
                  i know they're not out yet but wouldn't it be cheaper to buy 2 1070GTX for the same price than 1 1080GTX and get much more gpu power for rendering ?

                  WALEE /


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by AC5L4T3R View Post
                    Thanks, I'll give it a shot. I should be getting a 1080 this week so I'll use my K5200 for the display.
                    Sounds like an excellent plan...



                    • #25
                      Looking forward to the new cards : -)

                      Can anyone tell me if 2 cards in SLI improves 3DS max viewport performance?


                      • #26
                        I have received mine this morning, GTX1080 now replace my K5200.
                        K5200 is a little better than GTX1080 for building light cache, but this is the only part where she is the best.

                        GTX1080 it's great card for render on VRAY RT, and have great performance on 3DSMAX viewport (wireframe).

                        old setup :
                        PNY GTX 980Ti (first card)
                        PNY GTX 980Ti (second card)
                        PNY K5200 (third card)

                        new setup :
                        PNY GTX1080 (1st)
                        PNY GTX980Ti (2nd)
                        PNY GTX980Ti (3rd)

                        K5200 (in its box)


                        • #27
                          Okay. What would be better, a second 980ti or 1 1080? Currently, I have 1 980ti and I'm thinking of getting a second, however, I could replace the one 980ti with the 1080, if it makes sense.
                          Bobby Parker
                          phone: 2188206812

                          My current hardware setup:
                          • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                          • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                          • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                          • ​Windows 11 Pro


                          • #28
                            GTX1080 :
                            - less than consumption, less heating.
                            - less noise : my card has only one fan, it's Founder Edition. (3 fans for 980Ti)
                            - more efficient though CUDA is not yet optimized for this card, then you just imagine that's good for later.

                            Driver are ready now. I think best is to buy one GTX1080, you can mix 1080 + 980Ti without issue.

                            And if you play a bit on your computer too, GTX1080 is best choice.
                            I have tested last next gen games and I get highest performance with only one GTX1080 instead of 2x 980Ti SLI... (one 27" 2560x1440)
                            Last edited by Raph4; 12-06-2016, 12:05 AM.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Raph4 View Post
                              I have received mine this morning, GTX1080 now replace my K5200.
                              K5200 is a little better than GTX1080 for building light cache, but this is the only part where she is the best.

                              GTX1080 it's great card for render on VRAY RT, and have great performance on 3DSMAX viewport (wireframe).

                              old setup :
                              PNY GTX 980Ti (first card)
                              PNY GTX 980Ti (second card)
                              PNY K5200 (third card)

                              new setup :
                              PNY GTX1080 (1st)
                              PNY GTX980Ti (2nd)
                              PNY GTX980Ti (3rd)

                              K5200 (in its box)
                              just wondering did you setup your card in SLI or not ?

                              WALEE /


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by AC5L4T3R View Post
                                Thanks, I'll give it a shot. I should be getting a 1080 this week so I'll use my K5200 for the display.
                                Please let me know how you manage to get this up and running..

                                You have your Quadro drivers installed an just plug the 1080 in a second slot and it will be recognized by Vray RT?


