So I was all set on a 3 gpu system, with my trusty old 670 for viewport duties.
However I've now realised I just can't fit them all in! So I'm going to have to use either one or both titan x'es for viewport and rendering.
I don't care about viewport slowdown, if I'm rendering I go and do something else.
I do care about eating gpu ram though.
I assume that a gpu doing viewports will have less ram available for rendering ?
So... I guess I could render via back-burner to avoid viewport data being loaded? Or in max, Would it help to switch to bounding box before rendering? Or would I need to restart max to clear gpu ram?
Finally, with two monitors, better both on one gpu, or one on each? I assume I want the two gpus evenly loaded ram wise, or the free one will still be limited by the one with less ram available. Any advice on best-practise most appreciated.
However I've now realised I just can't fit them all in! So I'm going to have to use either one or both titan x'es for viewport and rendering.
I don't care about viewport slowdown, if I'm rendering I go and do something else.
I do care about eating gpu ram though.
I assume that a gpu doing viewports will have less ram available for rendering ?
So... I guess I could render via back-burner to avoid viewport data being loaded? Or in max, Would it help to switch to bounding box before rendering? Or would I need to restart max to clear gpu ram?
Finally, with two monitors, better both on one gpu, or one on each? I assume I want the two gpus evenly loaded ram wise, or the free one will still be limited by the one with less ram available. Any advice on best-practise most appreciated.