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Best postproduction software for high resolution image sequences bigger than 9000x9000 pixel

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  • Best postproduction software for high resolution image sequences bigger than 9000x9000 pixel


    what postproduction software do you use for high resolution image sequences? At the moment i'm using After Effects for image sequences and Photoshop for stills, but i'm not happy with the workflow. When i'm working with image sequences at 9000x9000 pixel or more AE becomes super slow. After some minutes of editing (color corection etc.) my system runs out of memory and i have to clean the Image Cache Memory in AE. Normally i have to edit the curves, colors and reflections of the images using different mattes and export the final images as TIFs with a defined color profile.

    I'm searching for a better solution than using AE for this purpose.

    Best regards,

    P.S.: Multichannel OpenEXR support would be great.

  • #2
    Best is going to be Nuke, hands down
    But realistically no normal freelancer or small studio can afford that
    So you can use Natron which is free (looks and works very similar to Nuke, although with some features missing that you get in Nuke, but features which you'll probably won't miss anyway unless you do some crazy VFX stuff)

    Fusion, free, for resolution up to 4K
    Fusion Studio, can do very large res, only $299

    Those can do stills and sequences
    Last edited by Morne; 06-09-2018, 04:30 AM. Reason: fixed typo
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Hi Morne,

      thanks for your feedback. Fusion Studio sounds very good to me. I think i will give it a try.

      Best regards,

