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To the German People

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  • To the German People


    I'm wondering if you can help me, I'm going to Germany because I want to study a master degree in there. The master begins in october, but I'm going from april to july first, to submit my papers to the school, know the place and seek a part time job as an economical aid.

    A couple of weeks ago my girlfriend contacted an architecture and visualization firm, they saw my work, and decided that want to colaborate with me, but they are in a different city, lets just say thay the are in the west and I will be in the east side of the country. The office that I work for in mexico often works with anothers in NY, but Germany is another ballpark.

    Recently a cople of friends and I created a new company, would it be better to work with this german company as a freelance or through this new company?.

    How can I work as a freelance in Germany? what advise can you give for such a colaboration?, and what about the legal and tax stuff?.

    Well any advice is welcome, and if you or someone you know needs a hand of a part time architect who knows a little arch viz, please let me know, if they accept me in the master I'm going to spend two years near the berlin area (potsdam), and would be grat to have a job, for the money and to learn a lot more.

    Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

  • #2
    Sonds like allot of fun and challenging No info here but good luck



    • #3

      i´m an architect an freelance 3d guy.

      if you work here all depends on you status regarding your tax and work permission.

      if you are a student you can earn a certain amount of money tax free.

      it you get any official money as a scolarship or similar you really have to care about this.

      i would suggest you go to this school you enrolled recently and go there to the foreign student office, i´m sure they can help you.


      • #4

        Thanks and yes is quite a challenge, but I'm willing to be there!


        Maybe you could tell me something about the billing system, this guys are nice, and don't wanto to put them into trouble or something.



        • #5
          well, i you work as freelancer as a german citizen and tax payer its easy:

          do your work, bill them with the taxes, date of your work, project ect.

          at the end of the year you pay the taxes with something called einkommenssteuer jahresausgleich and then everything should work.

          but i´m really not an expert in this things. all my tax work is done by a special company.

          tax stuff is really boring an complicated, so i suggest you ask some real expert, especial when you are a foreigner.

          is there a foreign student office in your uni?

          best wishes!



          • #6
            there might be a rule that non-european citizens are not allowed to work over here - even as a student
            you might want to check that first

            a collegue of mine is from belarus and his wife is not allowed to work here even though he has a work permit
            the rules concerning "foreigners" and work are quite strict over here...

            other than that you can not work as a freelancer for only one company - thats called "scheinselbständigkeit"


            • #7
              Thanks guys for the info, I will check the options that you mention, as for the foreign student office Stefan, I never been to the school, thats why I'm going before the semester starts. :P

              Again, thanks for your info!

