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quality minimal/cool pc cases

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  • quality minimal/cool pc cases

    there are an awful lot of REALLY ugly pc cases out there.

    im after something which has been designed with some taste, and not by a coca-cola crazed 13 year old boy with a military obsession.

    i dont mind spending a touch over the odds.

    so far the best ive come up with are the following:

    and, possibly

    although im not convinced. its a bit too shiny and those screws are a bit big.

    any other suggestions?

    i want something thatll look "nice" in the living room.

    super cooling ability isnt critical, nor is huge amounts of space..

    ill be fitting (Hopefully) a 32 core threadripper and 2 titan rtx cards, BUT, like my current machine, all connected to an external watercooler.

  • #2
    The cooler maste case above is on point. Love this design, and already used the H500p for few builds which is quite similar
    Check out Lian Li 011 Dynamic/air, with RGB fans, cable mods and little bit of time, it can be a piece of art
    It also has good airflow for 2 RTX cards and a 2990wx
    If you want to go the extra mile for something like this, send an Email to Maingear
    You can have up to 7 GPUs on water in a similar setup

    Click image for larger version

Name:	gallery-1.jpg
Views:	67
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ID:	1029042

    Muhammed Hamed
    V-Ray GPU product specialist


    • #3
      yeah its very pretty, as are a lot of the insane custom builds.. but not quite "living room" more "spaceship"... i cant be bothered spending £500 just on interconnects for the watercooling and i dont want a window on the side of my pc if i can help it.

      think more " scandinavian design magazine" or "apple" for what im after.


      • #4
        Have a look at the loque ghost and the dan a4 cases!


        • #5
          those are really lovely, particularly the ghost.. however id have real problems fitting a 32 core threadripper, 1+kw psu and 2x titan RTX gpus in there.

          if only they made a full size atx version.

          ive had experience building microATX workstations, and the ram slots are particularly limiting.

          edit.. lol its actually mini ITX.. do they come with more than 1 ram slot these days?


          • #6
            I pretty happy with my Fractal Design Define R5 (no window)....
   - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


            • #7
              yeah i second fractal design, very happy with my cases, quiet and no flashing lightz


              • #8
                NZXT H630 was what I picked up years ago. Looks like the company refuses to make cases now without a window in them.
                Maybe you could buy an old Gateway case and put the latest hardware in it :P

                Brendan Coyle |


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dlparisi View Post
                  I pretty happy with my Fractal Design Define R5 (no window)....
                  So am I. Fantastic Case !


                  • #10
                    Antec makes a variety of solid cases:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by cheerioboy View Post
                      NZXT H630 was what I picked up years ago. Looks like the company refuses to make cases now without a window in them.
                      Maybe you could buy an old Gateway case and put the latest hardware in it :P

                      Ha. Youve posted two links ive been browsing myself! I ruled out the old pc option because as much as i love retro stuff, old pc's were never actually stylish. They were just differently-ugly than todays teenage wet dreams.

                      The idea of modding a g5 does appeal, beautiful machines. ive even looked on ebay (50-150 euros for a g5) and found a company that makes kits to do it too (new motherboard tray and backplate)

                      However kit is another 90 euros, and in the end, as much as i adore projects like that, finding a g5 with a perfect case might be hard.... And the end result is always a bit frankenstein.

                      Maybe just buying the "jonsbro" one i linked would be a touch more practical. Its not bad looking. Just hope it doesn't say "jonsbro" in big letters anywhere on it.

                      The antec ones are a bit boring for my taste.. The fractal looks good quality....


                      • #12
                        I am now sorely tempted by the "cerberus x" Basically im a real sucker for compact stuff. This is also very stylish.


                        Given my watercooling is external, even fitting TR32 core and 2x titanrtx ​​​​​​shouldnt melt it.

                        However im not sure about fitting a massive atx psu in there, and not sure about space for water cooled gpus.


                        • #13
                          I'm with Fractal too


                          • #14
                            Yep, my last custom build had a fractal big tower. Quiet, solid and minimal.


                            • #15
                              im afraid ive got a bad case of the "make it smalls" now, having seen the cerberus X and jonsbo rm2.. neither case is available in the EU without massive shipping and customs charges unfortunately.

                              i know me. im not going to be happy now until i have a stupidly tiny workstation.

