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Poser 6 Released

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  • Poser 6 Released

    Poser 6 was released a few days ago. It seems like it has some really nifty features now- including OpenGL! I was wondering if anyone had a chance to play with it yet.
    LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
    HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
    Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog

  • #2
    oh, comon! we're professionals here
    Luke Szeflinski
    :: cgi


    • #3
      lets not start this argument again...

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #4
        I agree Percy but I gotta say something.

        You know what- build your own 3D application from nothing. Better yet, build the transistors in your computer. Even the 3D you create isn't 3D - it's just called 3D. And if you think you're talented you're really not - we're all resting on someone else's previous experiments, and mistakes, and if it wasn't for someone else's software package, then we would all be nowhere.

        Believe it or not, you can be a very capable modeller/artist and still use Poser. I think there's a common misconception that using this is 'cheating.' If I wanted too, I could come with the most beautiful face in the world using polygons - I could also waste more of what little time I have in my life. It's not how you go about it your work, but it's the end results that matter.
        LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
        HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
        Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


        • #5
          im not disagreeing with post was more aimed at lukx

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • #6
            Hey Percy - didn't get that impression from you.
            LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
            HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
            Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


            • #7
              Wow hot button subject

              Wow what a hot button subject - I was just thinking that I have a licensed copy of Poser 5 which I haven't had a chance to play around with. If it is worth getting this emotional about then it is definetly worth a little of my time. I agree with the jujubee about 3D arrogance - although I think that lukx was joking - tongue in cheek at least.

              Alot of Maya people have this attitude about Nurbs the only way to model blah, blah, blah - we are all kids playing in an experimental sandbox and whoever can do the job gets the job - what they used to get it done really doesn't matter. If we couldn't mix it up and give alternatives a chance we'd still be slaving away making physical glass models for the opening of Fox News


              • #8
                it's all about the end result, doesn't matter what you use to get there, just that you got there.
                Richard De Souza



                • #9
                  It's ok to like poser as long as you don't like it too much,some of the stuff I see shows a little to much...shall we say "interest" in the meshes :P
                  Eric Boer


                  • #10
                    Luke Szeflinski
                    :: cgi

