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Take 5 off - one forum for all vray users

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  • Take 5 off - one forum for all vray users

    I like the forums, but I realised that I am spending time in the subforums of the software I am using (3ds max, gpu, vrscans) and I am missing good discussions from other people on other subforums. I could of course go into every subforum and check, but every subforum has its own take 5 off subforum and I was wondering why that would make sense.
    Like, I will post a question about Capture One worklfow into the 3ds max take 5 off forum... but its not about 3ds max.
    it would be great if we could have one take 5 off subforum or render theory subforum for everybody so all the people can come together and not be separated by software. Going through several subforums and checking is a little bit more tedious...
    What do you guys think?
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  • #2
    hm, i usually just sit on the "latest activity" page, and see all the new posts... if i want something specific i use the search, which looks in all subforums. imho, having the forums separated by software means when i ask for a solution im less likely to get 10 suggestions which dont work in my software.

    having said that, ive found the take5 section (for 3dsmax at least) to be pretty quiet these days.


    • #3
      yeah, i am doing the same, but then I have to go through software specific questions of the ones I dont use..
      so just one or two general forums would be nice imo; so people get together.
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      • #4
        WHAT'S NEW means I have to scroll through 10+ pages to see anything pertinent to me.
        Bobby Parker
        phone: 2188206812

        My current hardware setup:
        • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
        • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
        • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
        • ​Windows 11 Pro


        • #5
          well, ok. so we need to be able to filter the whats new page to the subforums we want to see.
          and I still feel a chat for everybody would be great!
          haha bumped the request already two times alone. sorry for repeating myself.
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          Always looking to learn, become better and serve better.


          • #6
            A common place might be a good idea. Will definitely think about it. Thanks for the suggestion!

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              When I want to post something to the rendering theory subforum, I'm always tempted to make a dublicate post in the 3Ds Max one despite using Maya, since that kind of stuff is going to be pretty much universal between them. Sometimes I just pick 3Ds Max because that seems to be more active. Merging the more general subforums would be nice I think.

