ive got a morphing object. above morpher in stack are 3 uv modifiers, since i need the mapping to remain fixed as the object animates. this makes everything dog slow as its a million poly mesh.
i thought maybe i could add a pointcache2 modifier above..
when i do that, and record a cache, it says there is no mesh deformation present and does basically nothing.
is this an incompatibility between pointcache and morpher.. ?
also, assuming i can get it to work, will it also cache the uv transforms? otherwise ill have to put the uv maps above the pointcache and be back to square one.
any tricks or other suggestions?
not sure if its important but i need to generate particles from the surface after, using tyflow.
i thought maybe i could add a pointcache2 modifier above..
when i do that, and record a cache, it says there is no mesh deformation present and does basically nothing.
is this an incompatibility between pointcache and morpher.. ?
also, assuming i can get it to work, will it also cache the uv transforms? otherwise ill have to put the uv maps above the pointcache and be back to square one.
any tricks or other suggestions?
not sure if its important but i need to generate particles from the surface after, using tyflow.