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Substance Painter Batch Loader
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Substance Painter Batch Loader
preview of my latest 3dsMax script (using .NET controls) to load multiple texture sets that generated using substance default export presets for #ChaosGroup #VRay and #Corona render engines then create material based on the engine you choose using those texture sets with correct gamma applied.
there is also an option to add color correction node for greater control
you can create a new view for the slate material editor and put created material into it to help you organize in a better way
if your texture sets have an emissive channel for emitting light you have also an option to create Corona or VRay light material instead of the default material
if you do not want default 3dsMax bitmap loader you can use VRayHdri loader for VRay and CoronaBitmap for Corona renderer (actually it is the script default behavior)
you can also control blur for all three bitmap loader, separately for diffuse and all other channels