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Selling a 3ds Max license - any experiences?

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  • Selling a 3ds Max license - any experiences?

    Hi everybody,

    I'm thinking about selling my license to 3ds Max 2018.

    Apparently it should be possible here in EU (I think by contacting my local Autodesk office) but I wonder if anybody have any experience with this? We are obviously talking about a perpetual license where the maintenance has lapsed.

    I don't even know what kind of price I should request (or where to sell it), but first I need to figure out whether it is possible. I am sure the auto reply from Autodesk will be "No, go away!", but some EU law seems to support the legal possibility to sell a license.

  • #2
    There is always a legal way to do case they say no... open a LLC, transfer the ownership to that llc because if own I think 25% minimum you could transfer it... then you sell the LLC to the buyer and he transfer it to his company. ..... it’s very stupid but somebody sued AD some time ago for that reason and he won.
    show me the money!!


    • #3
      WilleViz Check your pm


      • #4
        Thanks for your replies. I will try and contact Autodesk and see what they will say about it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by WilleViz View Post
          Thanks for your replies. I will try and contact Autodesk and see what they will say about it.
          I think this should be possible and I'm interested in buying your perpetual license. Can you PM me your email, so we can discuss this further?


          • #6
            In case you haven't heard the news recently perpetual licenses are now ~probably~ worth F all... Autodesk to stop activating older software


            ...just a word to the wise from AD...bend over this IS gonna hurt!!

            .... . .-.. .--. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . ... . -. -.. -.-. .... --- -.-. --- .-.. .- - .
            I need a new signature
            Max2017.1 | Vray 3.70.01| win11
            ASUS Z790PLUS | i9 13900K | 64Gb RAM | Geforce GTX4070Ti


            • #7
              I have seen it.. I would love to hear some feedback from the lawyer on this. I do have older version of max. I am fine with that I do not have any support (lack of it anyway), no upgrades etc. I am aware that they want to force us to subscription but I am not sure if cutting off licence for us who paid for the software and have the right to use it PERMANENTLY is legal.
              Best Regards




              • #8
                Originally posted by urbanite View Post
                I have seen it.. I would love to hear some feedback from the lawyer on this. I do have older version of max. I am fine with that I do not have any support (lack of it anyway), no upgrades etc. I am aware that they want to force us to subscription but I am not sure if cutting off licence for us who paid for the software and have the right to use it PERMANENTLY is legal.
                Wow, that is a pretty nasty move!


                • #9
                  Furthermore it will hit every software company like Chaosgroup, Itoosoftware, everybody who is creating the content for max. I am sure many stays on subscription but others will not and migrate to different software like Blender, Cinema4d. Personally I stop buying anything max related until I have clear inf on this.
                  Best Regards




                  • #10
                    Wait... This can't be legal!
                    or did I not buy a software to use but the permission to use the licence of the software under their rules? If it's the later they could just do whatever they like. But it doesn't legal at all
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ior=0 View Post
                      In case you haven't heard the news recently perpetual licenses are now ~probably~ worth F all... Autodesk to stop activating older software


                      ...just a word to the wise from AD...bend over this IS gonna hurt!!

                      I'm surprised there is not a thread about that !
                      It may be the last bullshit of AD that would kill their oldest customers.
                      I don't know... "perpetual" have a different meaning for AD...
                      Whatever, perpetual is defined as “never ending, endless.... etc”, no ?
                      so WTF ?!
                      Autodesk has long held the award for the worst 3d software publishing company I have ever seen. They finish in style with this latest "joke"....
                      (Sorry for my bad english)


                      • #12
                        I mean... from the Autodesk website

                        "Autodesk License Types
                        License Behaviors

                        A trial license lets you run a product or suite in trial mode for a specified time period (usually 30 days). The trial period starts the first time you launch the product, or one of the products in a suite. You can activate and register the license at any time, before or after the trial period expires.

                        This license allows permanent, unlimited use of an Autodesk product.

                        Term Extendable
                        This license grants access to an Autodesk product for a limited time. The term can be extended at any time.

                        Term Non-Extendable
                        This license grants access to an Autodesk product for a limited time, which cannot be extended."
                        (Sorry for my bad english)


                        • #13
                          Nobody cares ?
                          (Sorry for my bad english)


                          • #14
                            I do and that's what I expected from the license. So... It seems pretty illegal what they plan, even under their own rules.
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                            • #15
                              I'm not a specialist but yeah ! I agree, it seems pretty illegal ! I would like to know more about that
                              I hope there will be another way to deal with old licenses... old but perpetual !
                              (Sorry for my bad english)

