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Problems simulating dominoes in Reactor

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  • Problems simulating dominoes in Reactor


    So, after seeing robots (twice ) I have a new found love for creating dominoe simulations.

    I have been trying it with reactor and either im missing something really obvious or reactor just doesnt seem to cut it.

    See the preview below. After a second or so the dominoes loose their speed and basically stop. Its like the dominoes are coated in a fine sand paper and gripping to much , instead of passing on the momentum and building up and up.
    **Note, there seems to be something funny in the way the preview was made, cause on first play for me it gets to one second and jumps back to the beginning at which point it plays thru fine.

    And have modelled them fairly basically (box) and they are proper dimensions, and approx mass. But i have tried making them much heavier and even much larger, and it seems to make little difference. Playing with the friction and elasticity seems to help a little but then they just fall over and slide all over the table, and dont topple properly, cause the base slides out.

    I was thinking of trying another sim program. Any suggestions on what would be good, or what could be done in reactor to make it work a little better.

  • #2
    hmmm....that one looks familiar Im sure i still have the scene around somewheres... I DO remember manually deleting keys after they had been fallen over for so much time so that they didn't continue sliding everywhere...

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      You seen that seen around before??!!?! thats kinda freaky, seeing as i made it this weekend...

      Mind you i was trying to find a big enough vray logo to trace the splines from the align the dominoes with, so i downloaded your logo blizzard scene and used the displacement map ( i think, big black and white vray logo) to get my splines accurate.

      Yeah the problem is when they slide too much, even deleteing keys would be a killer...imagine doing it for like 1000 dominoes...Fark that.

      Maybe I could assign a hinged point to the biottom of the domino, like in that tutorial with the wind and the wooden window shutters, so it can only fall one wayand the base wont move.
      Mind you that still doesnt really solve my sticky problem, unless i do the above then make each dominoe have zero friction.



      • #4
        Have you tried decreasing the friction on the dominos and increasing the friction of the floor quite abit? Also I would make sure everything is very stiff.
        Eric Boer


        • #5
          ahhhh, no, for some reason thats the one thing i didnt try....damn it. Will try it now. Now sure what you mean by making everything stiff. They are all part of a rigid body collection and therefore have no deformation properties. Is that what you mean?


          • #6
            1000 dominoes??? hehehe


            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #7
              heheheh that is pretty damn cool.

              Did you use reactor for that?....and dont tell me you manually delete key frames for each domino??


              • #8
                new test, 0.01 for dominoe friction and 5 for the plane. Probabaly abit too much as its causeing some dominoes to wig out, but 1 wasnt enough to keep them in place.

                Looks alot better tho.



                • #9
                  ya that certainly looks alot better. I manually chose maybe 100-200 dominoes at a time and then deleted the unneeded keys. So it wasn't perfect for each dominoe, but within reason I think. It was alot of work thats for sure... Not as bad as manually placing each dominoe though...

                  "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                  • #10
                    hmmm, ok cool.

                    I will setup a scene with a lot more dominoes and see how it goes

                    Thanks for your help.

