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Mixamo to CAT?

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  • Mixamo to CAT?

    I'm trying to import some Mixamo animations onto a CAT rig. Apparently they once had tools for doing this, but I guess Adobe put an end to that when they bought them out. I found the old scripts online (link) but they don't work. I've been trying to get Max's "Capture Animation" tool to work, but I can't seem to get it to line up a lot of the bones properly.

    Does anyone have a workflow for doing this?

    If not, are there any good alternative motion-capture libraries I could use (preferably free)?

    - Geoff

  • #2
    I finally found a tutorial that seems to work:
    - Geoff


    • #3
      Hi Geoff,

      i have an very odd way to still create a character in fuse, get it to mixamo, get it to max, convert it to biped, get the fbx animation on it.
      But from there i don`t know if you could go Biped from CAT because i never tried CAT Rig

      In the end the fiddling steps and my trick is:

      1. You get the character with/without animation only as fbx from mixamo.

      2. I then convert the fbx rig via the autobiped script to a biped rig in T-Pose
      (you can find it in the net, there's a updated Version of it on some forum, let me know if you don`t find a working one)

      3. EXPORT the biped again as fbx file and upload it AGAIN to mixamo
      (i literally had to write that down for me on a note to remember it again after a few months, somebody elso doing something like that?)
      - You have to do it because of the naming of the bones and rig, in the end you want to update the rig via fbx and therefore NAMING MUST BE SAME.

      4. Now you have the character again in mixamo and you can put an animation on it and export it as fbx again

      5. You can now import the animated fbx file in the biped scene but now just change the ONLY UPDATE option in the fbx import settings.

      6. When the naming is right, max will only update the animation from the fbx file to the biped cause the biped bones having the same name as the fbx bones.

      7. Biped has the keyframed animation on it and you can export it as a bip file now.

      8. Crossing fingers that helps you somehow going to CAT from there



      • #4
        Originally posted by olika View Post
        Hi Geoff,

        i have an very odd way to still create a character in fuse, get it to mixamo, get it to max, convert it to biped, get the fbx animation on it.
        But from there i don`t know if you could go Biped from CAT because i never tried CAT Rig

        In the end the fiddling steps and my trick is:

        1. You get the character with/without animation only as fbx from mixamo.

        2. I then convert the fbx rig via the autobiped script to a biped rig in T-Pose
        (you can find it in the net, there's a updated Version of it on some forum, let me know if you don`t find a working one)

        3. EXPORT the biped again as fbx file and upload it AGAIN to mixamo
        (i literally had to write that down for me on a note to remember it again after a few months, somebody elso doing something like that?)
        - You have to do it because of the naming of the bones and rig, in the end you want to update the rig via fbx and therefore NAMING MUST BE SAME.

        4. Now you have the character again in mixamo and you can put an animation on it and export it as fbx again

        5. You can now import the animated fbx file in the biped scene but now just change the ONLY UPDATE option in the fbx import settings.

        6. When the naming is right, max will only update the animation from the fbx file to the biped cause the biped bones having the same name as the fbx bones.

        7. Biped has the keyframed animation on it and you can export it as a bip file now.

        8. Crossing fingers that helps you somehow going to CAT from there

        Thank you for this thorough breakdown!
        If I may ask, could you please upload the script in the step 2?
        as I remember testing almost every single script online few months back and none did work correctly with Max 2020.

        Simply, I love to put pixels together! Sounds easy right : ))
        Sketchbook-1 /Sketchbook-2 / Behance / Facebook


        • #5
          AutoBiped was one of the scripts I linked to in my first message that failed on me (along with AutoCAT). But the video I posted in my response to myself did work for me, so definitely check that out.
          - Geoff


          • #6
            M.Max YoyoBoy yeah sure, glad to share.
            Don't even remember where i snatched it from But i remember searching for a working solutions for quite some time.
            But it works fine here in Max 2020 with a fbx model export from mixamo. I actually tested it again before uploading here
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Originally posted by olika View Post
              M.Max YoyoBoy yeah sure, glad to share.
              Don't even remember where i snatched it from But i remember searching for a working solutions for quite some time.
              But it works fine here in Max 2020 with a fbx model export from mixamo. I actually tested it again before uploading here
              Thank you !
              I will give it a try and let you know if there is any issue with it (Y)
              Simply, I love to put pixels together! Sounds easy right : ))
              Sketchbook-1 /Sketchbook-2 / Behance / Facebook


              • #8
                Thanks! This just saved my life!

