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windows 10 update breaks max?

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  • windows 10 update breaks max?

    as mentioned in another post, last week i had an issue with all my backburner jobs failing. Max started asking "are you sure you want to allow 3dsmax.exe to make changes to your system?" on start.. presumably this causes backburner to fail when it tries to open max to render.

    since this was after a windows update, I fixed it with a system restore to the day before and forgot about it.

    Ive just installed the latest windows 10 update (edge browser which i dont even want) and POOF! max is again asking me for permission to do changes to my system.

    i guess ill have to do another system restore.

    however, i cant keep undoing every windows update that comes along!

    does anyone else have any solutions?

    disabling windows UAC gets rid of the message at max startup, but backburner still fails. its also hardly a good solution even if it works.

  • #2
    how about reinstalling max?
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Originally posted by Morne View Post
      how about reinstalling max?
      nope, doesnt work, same issue.


      • #4
        Um...isn't that a firewall setting that prompts that? I seem to remember having it when I upgraded to 20 a while back....I got rid of it somehow and the UAC may be the way. Or something along those lines....creating exceptions or whatever...


        • #5
          Ugh.. i woke up this morning , all my renders after the first backburner job, last night failed. Not sure what time this occured, but its the same issue as before, but this time, theres no windows update which took place, or restore point to go back to.

          max is again asking me "are you sure you want to allow this app to make changes to your computer", backburner again throws an error trying to start max, and, a new discovery (probably also the case the other 2 times, but im noticing now for the first time) if i doubleclick a max file to open it in max, it gives an error "this operation requires elevation" and will not open the scene.

          given there are no large hills or skyscrapers nearby to climb, im not sure what to do to fix it.

          (joking aside, the security tab for the max file lists full permissions granted for system, users and admin, and i am an admin on my system.)

          i can of course still open max files by opening max, clicking through the "are you sure" error, then choosing the file to open from within max, but backburner is completely broken.

          i tried looking in Event viewer , to see what changed since last night when everything was working fine, but i have no idea what any of the stuff in there means, and i dont see anything obvious.

          any real windows 10 gurus on here?

          i miss 7


          • #6
            ok well i have absolutely no idea what caused this issue.. it makes no sense to me and i have not found any similar issues online where commonly used stuff suddenly becomes inaccessible due to permissions /admin issues.. Especially since as far as ive seen, no other applications or filetypes are affected.. certainly not images and photoshop

            however, i appear to have resolved it (for how long i dont know)

            found a guide online to use the group policy editor to automatically elevate permissions on admin accounts. (elevate without prompting)

            this fixed the error when opening max, but even after a restart, clicking on a max file to open it still gave the "needs elevation" message, and backburner was stil broken.

            so again in group policy editor i disabled "run all administrators in admin approval mode"

            this basically completely disables user account control for admins as far as i can see.. which is a "very bad idea"

            however its the only setting ive found which lets me use backburner again

