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Real-time 3D which application?

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  • Real-time 3D which application?

    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post and I am excited to be part of the Vray community.

    Anyway, my question is with regards to real-time 3D. I have a client that wants a really high quality 3D real-time interactive presentation of their building. They want to swing around the building and then show their clients where their suite is located on the building. What application would I use to create this? I have looked at rtre, EON Raptor, and Cebas quicktime VR. Would any of these create really good results? Or are these pieces of software just for running around a design and not really getting any detail from them? Anyone used rtre and Vray together? What results did you get?

    I have also thought about doing all static 3D views and then using them as image maps within a webpage where my client can click on where their clients suite is and then that will open up another still rendering of a view from that particular suite.

    Any ideas or suggestions would be really helpful!

    Thanks, and happy Vraying!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    "DR or Die!"

  • #2
    Hi and welcome to the forum ...

    tricky one .... you could use Quicktime vr and create hot spots to take you to the next room and so on ... then you will get a fully photorealistic result.


    • #3
      N6 got some pretty nice results using a java based app here:
      Eric Boer


      • #4
        Hi Natty,


        Which Quicktime VR application would you recommend? I was looking at VR Worx 2.1 this weekend but wasn't sure if that is the solution I need. Would the Cebas Quicktime solution be good. I emailed Cebas about their Quicktime VR software but haven't had any response to my questions which worries me as far as investing in their product.

        I just want to note that this will be an exterior view of my clients building.

        I have never worked with Quicktime VR. Is it easy to create the Quicktime VR object movie and add in hotspots? What about pixelation? I noticed with examples I looked at that as soon as you zoom in the picture is pixelated.


        - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        "DR or Die!"


        • #5
          Originally posted by RErender
          N6 got some pretty nice results using a java based app here:

          Thanks for remembering my tests with this Rerender

          The panos have been updated (smallest download size, some new vegetation and other details) :


          • #6
            you'll probably be waiting a long time for cebas to respond.....part of the reason why no one likes them.

            N6 cool vr's what software did you use for them?


            • #7
              Which Quicktime VR application would you recommend? I was looking at VR Worx 2.1
              I've used VR Worx (ask for version 2.53 when you purchase, the older one has many stability issues) heres a link to the one I did a couple years ago.

              The main beef I have with it, is that it only does Cylindrical 360 panoramas when working with single file input. Which essentially means that, if you're beginning with a 3000x1500 spherical source image, you need to 'Canvas size' it down to 3000x750 to have a final panorama that is relatively without distortion. I say relatively because there is definitely some still in there.

              (Second beef being that it was a pain in the arse to batch process 400some quicktimes)
              Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


              • #8
                You could also do it in "real" 3d, and use a 3d engine like turntool or cult3d!

                here is a link to the last realtime model I made at work:



                • #9
                  i have seen very nice architectural environments done in virtools and quest 3d

                  but you'll need someone proficient in programming for that


                  • #10
                    have a look at the panotour builder for max:

                    it's an easy to use script which outputs a tour with all hotspots and stitched panoramas.
           | - home of hdri knowledge


                    • #11
                      Thanks everyone for your replies and ideas.

                      I have looked at different solutions and think probably Quicktime Object VR or Eon Raptor or rtre are the best solutions for me at the moment in my price range. If anyone has a better solution than the previously mentioned ones and the price isn't more than $1500 US please me know.

                      I am still curious about the Cebas Quicktime solution, but I guess I will never hear back from them for whatever reason.

                      Also wondering if any Vray users have used rtre in conjunction with Vray and what results you achieved?

                      Vray on!

                      - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                      "DR or Die!"


                      • #12
                        instead of raptor i'd say look at quest3d.. more future expandability for your $$.. otherwise, you'll definitely be able to get a better 'quality' image out of the panoramas, at the expense of a lot of functionality.

                        I use virtools personally, and find it pretty sweet, but the price is pretty prohibitive for small interactive work.. (unless something else is footing the bill!)
                        Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk

