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Management of Tree and Plant Libraries? How do YOU bring trees into Max?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by glorybound View Post
    Now a tree subscription I would buy into. I spend so much time looking for a good tree and if one place made them all, really good ones, I would subscribe to a monthly fee. Using different trees from different places in the same scene doesn't work, because they are built so differently you can tell that they are from different libraries. I remember the seeds where you just drag to make the tree grow, stopping where you wanted. The cursor would turn into a little saw icon and ou could prune.
    Possibly the best way for you is to invest into GrowFX or SpeedTree and someone who can model trees for you? After that you just use the template and generate new trees.
    Available for remote work.
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    • #17
      allmost all trees on Maxtree has wrong leaf shaders setup.


      • #18
        Originally posted by leo.surrealismo View Post
        allmost all trees on Maxtree has wrong leaf shaders setup.
        Could you explain, what is wrong with the shaders?


        • #19
          Normally when you use Vray2sidedmaterial, you only use translucency on front material, using it on both (front and back) creates a weird behavior.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Morne View Post
            What's your thoughts on the 3DGarden Libraries? (it's the ones that Itoo apparently make themselves seems to me)

            Why so?
            Dont need to use vray proxy with Forest, also I rarely hit RAM limits with 128gb, the viewport full of proxies reminds me of 2002 as well lol, cant see whats going on etc


            • #21
              Originally posted by squintnic View Post

              Dont need to use vray proxy with Forest, also I rarely hit RAM limits with 128gb, the viewport full of proxies reminds me of 2002 as well lol, cant see whats going on etc
              Exactly. Well, even if you have 64GB that's more than enough. Plus, The3DGarden are set up to be used with forestpack - they have FPColor texture applied for randomisation. And that is not working with proxies.
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              • #22
                I have, for the most part, added all my 3D vegetation assets into the forest pack library. can be time consuming to render out thumbnails and the rest of the organizing. maybe not worth it if you have super extensive collection. Those 3D Garden libraries are great too. I generally place all the vegetation in a scene from within FP.
                mark f.

                Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

                Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


                • #23
                  while I'm here and talking Australian plants (and other stuff) - check out

                  I have a few packs so far and very happy with them - support them and stop buying maxtree IMO


                  • #24
                    they seem really expensive, also has that weird popup on their webpage that keeps saying someones added or bought a model every second or so...some creepy marketing tool
                    Last edited by francomanko; 26-08-2020, 12:28 AM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by squintnic View Post
                      while I'm here and talking Australian plants (and other stuff) - check out

                      I have a few packs so far and very happy with them - support them and stop buying maxtree IMO
                      Quite expensive I believe... There is something special about them, or you just found plants you need there, which you could not find in Evermotion or 3d garden libs?
                      Available for remote work.
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                      • #26
                        Yeah, too many things popping up. Way to spammy looking. Discount, newsletter, someone purchased something, and how can I help you all in the first few seconds.
                        Bobby Parker
                        phone: 2188206812

                        My current hardware setup:
                        • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                        • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                        • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                        • ​Windows 11 Pro


                        • #27
                          I clicked out almost immediately. Sadly becoming a very common trend.
                          No thanks


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Oleg_Budeanu View Post

                            Quite expensive I believe... There is something special about them, or you just found plants you need there, which you could not find in Evermotion or 3d garden libs?
                            they are good cos they are specific to my region (Australia and SE Asia)
                            evermotion is all weird russiana and euro stuff

                            they are good quality, price works for me cos it saves me time for something id need to pay a grow fx user to make.
                            suppose its all relative but evermotion is niot really worth the cost for me, only use them when i get given them.

                            sorry i ddint notice the pop up attack!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by leo.surrealismo View Post
                              allmost all trees on Maxtree has wrong leaf shaders setup.
                              Yeah I've noticed something weird with them too.
                              I suspect their preview images are rendered in Corona and they've just done a quick convert to V-ray? They REALLY need a disclaimer if that is the case


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Richard7666 View Post

                                Yeah I've noticed something weird with them too.
                                I suspect their preview images are rendered in Corona and they've just done a quick convert to V-ray? They REALLY need a disclaimer if that is the case
                                That's probably the reason.

