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Editable Mesh

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  • Editable Mesh

    How many of you in here use editable mesh.......maybe like 10 people world wide? So why is it that when you use the collapse command it collapses it into and Editable Mesh and not Editable Poly? Do the people coding max actually use max? Sorry I had to get that off my chest.

  • #2
    Using Editable Mesh here 90% of the time, because the data we get is from CAD. Editable Mesh offers some useful functionality you do not get with Editable Poly.


    • #3
      So Autodesk should give u the option to choose when collapsing. Or let u set it in preferences.


      • #4
        Not so much Editable Mesh, but "Edit mesh" I use regularly - many, many times per day. However, I use it mainly on imported dwg solids which IMO seems to work better than editable poly. There are a couple of other things I regularly use it for over editable poly:
        -the ability to selected faces or elements and directly add materials to just those faces
        -Explode to elements (very useful followed by a MaterialByElement modifier for randomizing materials)
        -Make edges invisible or visible
        -Show normals - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.

