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gpu renderer

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  • gpu renderer

    what do you say about this? Im planing, stop teaching and have to look for a nother way of rendering my work when not having the load of 3 computer labs

    Daniel Westlund

  • #2
    Did you look at the rendering time!! they are very high compared with VRay...

    4 mins to render this teapot with only an HDR environement....


    • #3
      here is a test I previously made with an other "real time" engine called XRadiance. As you can see render time are ridiculous compared with VRay :

      XRADIANCE : Render time 2mins 30 s

      and near the same scene with VRay : Render time 0 min 12 s....


      • #4
        I allso tryed the gpu tech software. I cant se how they can call it broadcast quality.

        bout Panthenon. I think its promising. There were som other examples as well and the glossy looks good

        Daniel Westlund


        • #5
          and check this animation. Its very flicker free 72 sec/frame

          Daniel Westlund


          • #6
            Anyone following the progress of Busy Ray?
            J. Scott Smith Visual Designs

            FB Fan Page:


            • #7
              The partheon renderer is quite impressive.
              And I think the rendertimes are really fast.
              Take a look at this example
              50sec per frame . If it is lit (I suppose) by pure HDR
              Lighting, dynamic, flickerfree, antialiasing.. than these are very impressive rendertimes !

              If this is a debevec hdr in this example (I´m quite shure it´s the kitchen probe) wich has a dynamic range of 2000:1 and they really
              didn´t use any spotlights in there... (i know a lot of "if´s" )
              than I bet that the vray rendertimes are at least 5 times higher to make
              a splotchfree animation similar to those shown in the example.
              (Also notice the quite sharp GI Shadows)

              sounds like a challenge !!

              of course if this renderer is ready for a real production or not is a completely different question.


              • #8
                Originally posted by CCS
                Anyone following the progress of Busy Ray?
                sort of...i dont test it Im waiting to see what they accomplish, but I dont think it will be much. Compared to Maxwell they have a lot of work to do. And it will never be as fast as vray because is a brute force type solutio.


                • #9
                  have you guys seen nvidia's gelato?
                  looks impressive, too
                  mix of hardware and software rendering


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by samuel_bubat
                    The partheon renderer is quite impressive.
                    And I think the rendertimes are really fast.
                    Take a look at this example
                    50sec per frame . If it is lit (I suppose) by pure HDR
                    Lighting, dynamic, flickerfree, antialiasing.. than these are very impressive rendertimes !

                    If this is a debevec hdr in this example (I´m quite shure it´s the kitchen probe) wich has a dynamic range of 2000:1 and they really
                    didn´t use any spotlights in there... (i know a lot of "if´s" )
                    than I bet that the vray rendertimes are at least 5 times higher to make
                    a splotchfree animation similar to those shown in the example.
                    (Also notice the quite sharp GI Shadows)

                    sounds like a challenge !!

                    of course if this renderer is ready for a real production or not is a completely different question.

                    maybe is there true GI lighting but it is 100% sure that they fake sharp shadows with spots light placed and based on the HDR envirnment color and luminance. Also after few tests, I can say that their "glossy refect" is for sure "glossy" but doesnt reflect true HDR value luminance.


                    • #11
                      but hay. This is early alpha or something, some of You are so negative, I remember when I waited all night for a alpha brazil rendering. I want the progres of mankind to spinoff in my direction. the renderings are impressive and I dont feel that I have to protect my investment in vray because of it...

                      just to express my promiscuous rendering behaviour I confess I go to the Maxwell forum every day to see what they have so manifestively rendered for the last three days. I allso have to admit I pop in to the finalrender forum. allthough I know it will look bad in my cv.

                      Daniel Westlund

