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wierd Nasa EXR

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  • wierd Nasa EXR

    Nasa has some really wonderful resources, not least of which this spherical 2.1 gigapixel "night sky from earth" exr.

    i have opened this using vraybitmap and tested it rendering... it works fine.

    however i dont think it is a tiled exr.

    given it is one of many very huge textures in my current project, i am trying to keep all textures as .TX or tiled EXR.

    now comes the strange part:

    i can render the exr, but hitting "view image" throws an error.

    makeTX and img2exr error out when i try to convert the file

    photoshop cannot open it

    "darktable" a lightroom style app somebody suggested, will open the file, and allow me to export as png or tiff, but those files either error on open in PS (tiff) or open as black images(png) exporting as exr crashes the program, image is too large to export as jpeg (i also want to retain the 16 bit depth)

    on a related note darktable uses 64 cores and 100+gb of ram to export the image... crazy.

    anyone shed any light on whats up with the file? anyone got any tricks to convert it to a nice tiled image?

  • #2
    Hi. FYI I could open the EXR in photoshop 22.1.0. It took some time, but it works.


    • #3

      could you by any chance save it out as a 16 bit png or tiff? i have the same version of PS and for some reason its not working.

      another note, a friend managed to run it through "exrmaketiled" command line tool, with a couple of variations of settings... file sizes are double.. however i see no reduction in ram usage (orignal exr and converted one both use 25 GB for max process during render, simple inverted sphere with texture mapped on, small part visible in render.) or improvement in render speed, and i have found no way to check if the file is actually working as a tiled exr or not. tiled texture cache set to 4GB so i would expect to see a reduction in ram usage at least.


      • #4
        I'm opening the file again and will try to export a 16bit Tiff. Can you PM me your email address for a wetransfer ?


        • #5
          done! many many thanks

