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Head/face tracking

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  • Head/face tracking

    I've been tasked with adding crazy CG hair to locked-off video of a fairly bald man who is looking all around and making funny faces. So I need to get 3D tracking data of his head and into Max. I've never done that sort of thing before nor do I expect to do again soon, so I'd like to avoid spending much, if possible. Does anyone have tips for doing this? Thanks!
    - Geoff

  • #2
    As he's bald, that may make it simpler. This may work perfectly
    I don't use Blender but that process is simple enough to duplicate I reckon.
    You may also get decent results from AE's (or other DCC) camera tracker, depending on the footage. I guess you can't post the footage?


    • #3
      To be honest tracking is one thing that you can't cheap out on, all of your vfx will be based on shakey grounds. I'd look at something like Keen tools in nuke (which in itself is an investment) or possibly outsource the tracking to Matt Merkovich ( Spend the money and move on with your life, the hair will be enough of a pain in the ass to get working never mind worrying about your track. Since the movement of your tracked head is driving your hair sim, if you have a shakey track, that'll introduce weird looking kinks into your hair sim which will then render badly.


      • #4
        Thanks for the responses. Yes, I've been messing with Blender to do this. I'm having an enormous amount of difficulty though. Blender's tracking isn't working nearly as nicely for me as it is for the guys who made the tutorials I'm watching.

        This is super frustrating because I recently worked with a program that can do exactly what I need in real-time. It's called Spark AR, and it's made for creating Snapchat-like filters for phones. Unfortunately it does not have any way of recording and exporting 3D data. So I know that the tech exists -for free, even. I just need something that will record and export.
        - Geoff


        • #5
          Riiiiiight - do you need to do this on existing footage or is it something that you can reshoot yourself? Something like this for iphone maybe?


          • #6
            Yeah, I need to add hair to footage that my boss sent of himself acting silly.

            Whoa, that software looks good... if it can record the video at the same time as the 3D stuff then I'll have him download it.
            - Geoff


            • #7
              hmm sounds like a job id refuse.


              • #8
                Just looking at this and Syntheyes doing exactly what you need...if you want to invest 218 gbp
                Seems like a good deal. I haven't used it in years but the advances since then are pretty great.


                • #9
                  Syntheyes is amazing but if it's only a single job and you won't be doing tracking again I'd take into account the days that you'd spend learning the basics and then trying to track your footage and see is that worth the cost compared to just giving the footage to matt merkovich.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by joconnell View Post
                    To be honest tracking is one thing that you can't cheap out on, all of your vfx will be based on shakey grounds. I'd look at something like Keen tools in nuke (which in itself is an investment) or possibly outsource the tracking to Matt Merkovich ( Spend the money and move on with your life, the hair will be enough of a pain in the ass to get working never mind worrying about your track. Since the movement of your tracked head is driving your hair sim, if you have a shakey track, that'll introduce weird looking kinks into your hair sim which will then render badly.
                    I've just checked Matt reel and OMG! , that's one of the best tracking work I've ever seen !,.I do my own 3d tracking or ask a friend to do it for complex shots, but no near this kind of quality.
                    I will definitely check with him for future work, I'm just not sure if I can afford paying for someone with such skills =D Thanks for sharing .
                    Last edited by M.Max; 14-04-2021, 08:24 PM.
                    Simply, I love to put pixels together! Sounds easy right : ))
                    Sketchbook-1 /Sketchbook-2 / Behance / Facebook


                    • #11
                      Yeah he's seriously good. I've worked with a few matchmovers and he's one of the best independent ones, really professional and incredibly solid results!

