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Revit FBX -> Link FBX 3ds max. Shifting geometry.

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  • Revit FBX -> Link FBX 3ds max. Shifting geometry.

    ​​So we usually ask for Revit fbx exports so we can link them into max by category/material.

    But more often than not, when linked into max the geometry shifts from it's correct position. This happens on pretty much every job and we have to manually correct the model. A complete waste of time and energy. The geometry looks correct in Revit, so I don't understand what's going on here. Using the normal, import -> fbx brings through the geo correctly, but in thousands of objects which requires manually attaching them together. Slow and cumbersome.

    Does anyone else have such issues? Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled-1.jpg
Views:	2093
Size:	188.8 KB
ID:	1114895

  • #2
    Would importing the native .rvt file versus .fbx help?
    mark f.

    Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

    Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


    • #3
      Originally posted by OPEN_RANGE View Post
      Would importing the native .rvt file versus .fbx help?
      I've tried and it never works out well.

      We ask the architects to export out an FBX model from Revit based on a 'Revit View' that essentially only exports out geometry we need. Our projects usually include multiple skyscrapers/large residential developments so its important we keep things clean and simple. We don't want pipes, toilets and revit furniture included in the export etc. With an RVT file we don't have the option of refining things on the fly so we'll end up with a huge file that will probably just crash upon max import.

      The issues above seems to happen with larger schemes with lots of geometry. I'm working on smaller job now and its perfect. But there is also the continuing issue of 'Linking' an fbx file into max combines objects into one another incorrectly too, so you have to spend time detaching polygons from objects and reorgansing the import.

      It's just a mess basically. I'm not sure how other Visualisers are handling it.

      I spoke to Autodesk last week and these are known issues.
      Last edited by DanSHP; 08-06-2021, 02:22 AM.


      • #4
        It happens when you link with "Combine by Material" - seems to be an issue when certain objects with the same material gets combined in the export process.


        • #5
          Originally posted by philip_nel View Post
          It happens when you link with "Combine by Material" - seems to be an issue when certain objects with the same material gets combined in the export process.
          We figured a way around it.

          Save the Revit file out with a different file name. Then in Revit, purge it. Works every time.


          • #6
            Revit should be purged from the face of this earth.... the end.


            • #7
              We've started cleaning the original revitfile (removing toilets and stuff that wont be visible, linking the revit file in max by family type, then copying everything, and then removing the linked rvt file.

              Its destructive but it keeps the file a lot lighter and cleaner. A few years ago a rvt link completly corrupted a file when updating so stopped doing that. Fbx has too many issues too often for us. And we tend to work with final files so the destructive part isnt often an issue.


              • #8
                with huge fbx/rvt files it was always faster to tidy up millions of objects manually in max than to rely on merging by mat on import. one way or the other - never smooth.
                linking never worked in practice.
                Marcin Piotrowski


                • #9
                  Linking in one big fbx into 3dsMax is also sometimes a problem, especially if the revit file contains several rvt links.
                  My suggestion would be to save out a seperate fbx for each rvt link and test and see if geometry still shifts.
                  It's an issue with "combine by material" when linking I suspect.

                  Also make sure any dwg's are removed when linking in rvt files directly - sometimes 3dsMax gives an error and you can't link at all - could be the 2d info that causes the issue.

