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Smooth sketchup topo mesh

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  • Smooth sketchup topo mesh

    Does anyone have a method for smoothing a topo mesh imported from sketchup? The screengrab shows what I want to smooth. I've tried using meshsmooth, turbosmooth and other stuff.

    Tried using vray edges bump map with max radius. It get smoother but still pretty rough. Not looking to make it perfect but would like to smooth it out enough to maybe apply some forest pack native grasses and etc.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	topo01.jpg
Views:	453
Size:	168.1 KB
ID:	1118392
    mark f.

    Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

    Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM

  • #2 could try subdiving it, retopologizing it, then relaxing, pushing, freeform flattening it which may give you
    a useable top piece.
    You could also try a sufficiently subdivided plane, rotated to generally match the overall incline, then try to see what results are possible using the conform brush.
    With this method you could arguably start with few subdivisions to approximate the general changes, then up that to work on different areas.

    My personal method would be definitely to simply treat it like a hard surface modeling task; start with a plane, convert to poly and extrude away until it's done....would probably take
    very very little time to achieve that

    So saying, if you get stuck then post the mesh and I'll work something out for you....if you catch me before I hit the bars tonight


    • #3
      Mr. Fixeighted - thank you for your valuable suggestions! Interesting, I had messed with the retopology modifier but was not getting any help from that, probably using it wrong, although I did try a bunch of different options.

      I ended up tessellating and then using relax modifier. that gave me enough smoothing to cover with some forest grass and then generate some gray scale view studies for initial discussion and cost proposal. Had to paint out a bunch of defects and voids and other stuff in pshop with the close stamp.

      It's all using an imported sketchup model from architect. I will be making an entirely new model of the building in 3DS Max (imported sketchup is unusable imo)

      for final work I will definitely want to improve/replace the topo mesh. I will try making a poly/plane and shift/drag out edges and move them around and see how I do. I have some experience with that type of hard surface modeling but it is not my area of expertise. If I can't "get it" or it seems like it's taking me way too much time I may contact you for help with long as it doesn't interfere with any pub crawling or other such activity. cheers!

      Click image for larger version

Name:	draft-exterior01.jpg
Views:	394
Size:	135.6 KB
ID:	1118449

      Click image for larger version

Name:	draft-exterior02.jpg
Views:	377
Size:	199.1 KB
ID:	1118450
      Last edited by OPEN_RANGE; 03-07-2021, 08:08 AM.
      mark f.

      Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10

      Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


      • #4
        Just caught me exiting for beverages now, so out of time today. Feel free to ask if/when necessary

