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Cleaning up aerial footage - a free tutorial

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  • Cleaning up aerial footage - a free tutorial

    Hey everyone - i've been working on a huge free tutorial, it's done and i'd like to share with you all.

    It covers painting out bits of footage and crane removal - but the technique is also useful on finished full CG shots and has a ton of other applications too.
    Part of the motivation to create this came from speaking to people about AE vs Fusion, and people who use AE on a regular basis simply not knowing why they’d ever use fusion (or nuke), or what node based compositing offers over AE.
    That is to say - if you’re thinking ‘I dont know why i’d need to know this’, maybe give the first 10 minutes a shot anyway - you’re the exact target audience.

    There is no rotoscoping or intense frame-by-frame animation required, and it can be done in the free version of fusion.
    It’s also relatively simple to do this in nuke if you’re familiar with all of it’s tools.

    Here is the link!
    The first 30 seconds shows the before/afters.

    The technique goes back to something I bumbled my way through with the help of some people (joconnell !) on this very forum 12 years ago, and shortly afterwards got refined and moved over to fusion 6. (the first time I did this was all in max… rendering out entire sequences to folders and using photoshop on single frames)
    It seems like this approach is definitely underrepresented in tutorials, and so I felt it was a good subject to cover. I would not be where I am without endless free tutorials, other people sharing knowledge and having been on communities/forums my entire career. hopefully, this will help some others to do better, cleaner work.

    While it is long, it is intended to be extremely comprehensive. The technique is covered in the first 20 minutes, then the remainder of the video goes into a practical large scale application of this - and after i’m done, a bit of an overview of the pros and cons of various areas.
    It’s broken up into chapters for easy reference - ideally, after watching, you’ll understand the application and where it will be good to use, then when you come to pull it back up as a production reference ‘on the job’, however long later that is, you’ll be able to jump to a specific chapter.
    It’s not a day-to-day technique, but it turns what is an absolute pain in the ass job using AE into something that is easy, flexible, and quite enjoyable to work on.
    If you get 20 minutes in and think this is something you could use, I would recommend watching it in full before trying to ‘follow along’ on a live project - there is some insight towards the end when i’m covering the finished document about what worked well and what I had to fight with a little. I tried to cover every single application and thing you might encounter in the same project, but it did cause a few challenges that could have been avoided (but then, i wouldnt have been able to show working around them...)

    I sincerely hope people are able to enjoy or get something meaningful from this. I imagine there are more ways this can be refined further - if it does spark an idea or you have a way to take this even further, i’d love to hear about it.

    You may also notice it’s being hosted on a DBOX ‘Dialog’ channel... There’s a good chance there will be more of this - covering less obvious & underutilized production workflow tutorials.
    Last edited by Neilg; 25-09-2021, 04:12 PM.

  • #2
    Excellent walkthrough Neil; extremely comprehensive, organised and well narrated and for sure it will be of enormous benefit to others.
    The most impressive thing I think is the time you spent doing it - 5 to 6 hours is very good going!
    I'm unfamiliar with Fusion and remember commenting in the original post that I'd likely go about it in a different way, though I don't believe I could achieve
    a good enough result in an equal amount of sure would be interesting to try though


    • #3
      Thanks! Started an in-house project to try inserting a building into an urban drone/copter shot so this will be a great addition to the learning proces!


      • #4
        Originally posted by fixeighted View Post
        Excellent walkthrough Neil; extremely comprehensive, organised and well narrated and for sure it will be of enormous benefit to others.
        The most impressive thing I think is the time you spent doing it - 5 to 6 hours is very good going!
        I'm unfamiliar with Fusion and remember commenting in the original post that I'd likely go about it in a different way, though I don't believe I could achieve
        a good enough result in an equal amount of sure would be interesting to try though
        The 5-6 hours was probably a bit rushed. I didn't include any exporting or thinking time in that, as I was doing it in free time in one hour bursts and editing out bits where my narration went off the rails where i took a second pass at explaining something. That's like the fastest it could possibly be done, not accounting for course-correcting. I'd double that for client work!
        I'd love to see your alternate approach - this is something I've been doing in a bit of a vacuum and its hard to start conversations about these super specific approaches.

        And thanks dean_dmoo - would love to hear how you get on!


        • #5
          I would have used Mocha for this on first glance. It may well have done a fine job.
          I don't know Fusion and although as you mentioned, much of the graph was just copy/pastes of previous systems, it still looks pretty scary to me.
          The various layers needed for Mocha would look similarly daunting I'm sure, so it all comes down to what you end up learning at any given time

          If it's feasible to post a section of the footage I'd be pleased to see what I can do with it as a comparison.

