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  • London

    I know this is really off topic .... but can our thoughts be with the people that lost there live's today in London and there familys... i was supposed to be there today travelling on the central line @ liverpool street but the client cancelled on me yesterday .... thank god he did ..

  • #2
    We are all with you!


    • #3
      Its looking pretty messy over there. Its getting alot of TV and newspaper coverage over here.

      Im just glad all my London area mates are ok


      • #4
        Everyone feels pretty terrible about it here in the US - especially in Boston and NYC where we have the two largest subways systems in the US. All the flags around the area were lowered in half-mast. The subways are being monitored rather heavily again.

        I remember when 9/11 happened - I was listening to Howard Stern's radio show broadcasting live out of NY. I thought at first that he was making a mean joke - but then thought that was too cruel. I told a couple coworkers who didn't quite believe it as well, then they tuned to different stations and heard the same thing. A couple coworkers started screaming and I told one person to stop making everyone so tense - another one had two siblings which boarded that very Boston plane which hit the first tower. We all had known someone who had lost someone.

        For many months afterwards, everyone road the subway here nervously. Extra police manned the stations. This attack just brings back those bad memories. I'm just glad to hear you are alright and that the harm done to people is not as bad as it could have been.
        LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
        HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
        Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


        • #5
          It is senseless, Our hearts are with you.
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            big coverage here in NZ.
            all flags at half mast today, and there is going to be a minutes silence at the All Blacks vs. British Lions game tomorrow.
            Chris Jackson


            • #7
              It's terrible what's happened... like in NY, Washington, Madrid...
              We are with all of you...

              and we know as well that we'll be the next target... Milan, Rome....
              Lighting & Rendering Supervisor
              Marulli Studio


              • #8
                Our prayers and thoughts are with you. This is another sad day in Human history. Seems like stupidity, within the Human race, has over run the world. Will we ever see peace for an extended period?

                All our gov. building flags fly at half mast.
                - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                "DR or Die!"

