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Dirty Meshes

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  • #16
    An edit on Percy's post

    In your best YODA voice:

    A technique that will get you through it quicker, there definitely is . much harder then the last, each level really isn't, If follow a few rules you will.


    • #17
      well heres a couple things Ive found. They might seem obvious I dont know. When you click on a node, you see the ones that are connected to it in red. Try to keep red nodes as close to each other as possible. Also some nodes are attached to less nodes then others. Try and get those on the outside and the nodes attached to alot of others more to the inside.

      Its not essential you do this 100% but Ive found when Im done with one, it usually follows this somewhat anyways. Also at the beginning, I found I did alot of node pushing while not realy taking a second to look at how the node fits into the bigger picture.

      Anyways, no eathshattering secrets, but hey if it helps...

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #18
        whats your highest level so far percy?


        • #19
          ive gotten to level 10 twice before I had to quit. I might try it this weekend when Im not at work...

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • #20
            Yeah i just got to level11, and took about 25mins to finish it. Most other levels where under 2 mins except the 9 and 10. Had to quit at 12 as well.
            Have you seen the high scores


            • #21
              haha no ive not seen them...some people have posted screenshots on cgtalk of their times....less then 3 minutes for level 7 is pretty darn good. I was impressed. I didn't really have time to try and do it quickly as I was only playing the game while waiting on a testrender to finish or something.

              My thing is I try to make em look pretty....Its my obsessive compulsiveness showing through....

              "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


              • #22
                ok im addicted.

                level 7 so far
                Chris Jackson


                • #23
                  well, the high scores were in the billions if not more
                  There is a little button down the bottom left of the game, thats how you see the high scores

