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Memory Expansion

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  • Memory Expansion

    I remember you used to ba able to buy expansion slots for your motherboard for pci slots using a daughterboard or something like that. now with this interesting quote (which i love to read over and over and over again)......
    "Large memory support

    Windows XP Professional x64 Edition supports up to 128 gigabytes (GB) of RAM and 16 terabytes of virtual memory, enabling applications to run faster when working with large data sets. Applications can preload substantially more data into virtual memory, allowing rapid access by the 64-bit processor."

    im just curious how anyone can get up to 128gb of real ram. my supermicro server board can take up to 12gb ram bt i cant see how someone can get 128gb if the highest chip is a 2gb chip. is there somewhere that you can purchase ram expansion slots or something? color me confused. it sure would be awsome to throw 128gb at a vray render

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  • #2
    I think it´s currently only a theoretical support. It can handle 128 GB OS-Wise. But it´ll take a while for 128GB enabled boards and memory sticks to show up i assume. As soon as Longhorn will arrive (and hence a more widespread userbase will be established for 64Bits) they will get available...well...i hope so at least :P


