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merge animation 3dsmax 7 giving grief...

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  • merge animation 3dsmax 7 giving grief...

    ''i posted this over on the max forum but one never knows when you might get an answer over there so thought i'd drop it here also"

    if anyone has a moment to spare to test this file and my mental health it would be greatly appreciated.

    i'm having issues (many) trying to do a typical merge animation process of transferring animation from a series of cameras onto one 'master camera which will be network rendered. In the past, when cameras are signed off we transfer all the animation onto one camera which is used for pre-calculating GI and then rendering to the farm. Merge animation worked fine in v5, v6 but v7 its wigging out....

    try using 'source object'>paste to existing>absolute and moving the data across from one camera at a time to the master camera...the first two merges work fine...the third merge wipes all previous data!!!! i've tried different combinations, tried closing the tool after two merges, tried rescaling the world units...tried restarting the file...they all seem to corrupt on the third merge...or when the frame times get over 1000 i'm not 100%...

    if anyone can confirm this is a bug and a workaround...or indeed whats changed between v6 and v7 I'd really appreciate it....file

    PS I thought I'd better test one more time before i get on the i made 4 boxes...animated 3....tried merging the 3 animated sequnces onto the 4th...all good until merge 3. wipes the first two merges completely...what the!!
    'mmm, should have opened it in Notepad'