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  • Vimeo

    For some reason my bank doesn't transfer my credit card payment to Vimeo. They found it "suspicious", they said. So my Vimeo account could not be renewed. I asked Vimeo support and got about 18 similar answers to use another credit card. They don't understand how difficult it is to get even one credit card in our country - not to mention multiple ones. I asked for another card, but it was not granted because I'm an entrepreneur. I asked possibility to wire transfer the money, but that's not possible, they said. I also asked their postal address where to send the money in an envelope.

    They also asked me to try a thing called Paypal. I have no idea what that is. Around here businesses use a thing called Paytrail it works every time.

    Are there any other platforms where to share animations with clients?

  • #2
    There's this new thing called Youtube which you could try

    But honestly, even though it's astonishing to me that you've not heard of Paypal, it is simple enough to find and to set up, meaning you can continue to use Vimeo.


    • #3

      I've heard the word Paypal, but I think I've never used it. Anyway, my bank don't find Vimeo trustworthy and is blocking my payments to that direction. So I think it would be risky to open a new channel to transfer money. If I was Vimeo, I would investigate why the incoming payments are blocked. It would be insane not to.

      What I just heard from a Paypal user, it's a total mess as a platform - so no. I'll continue my efforts to lift the blockade. It will not be easy, but I think it eventually worth it.

      Vimeo support asked me to send a *.Har file. I have no idea what that is, but I generated this more than 10 MB file. I asked AI, if it's safe to send by using ordinary email as requested by the support. It told me, I should not send that file with email. I told that Vimeo support and they answered, email is the only way to send files to support.


      • #4
        Google drive or Youtube are good alternatives
        Both could be shared with specific people and /or made public.
        Simply, I love to put pixels together! Sounds easy right : ))
        Sketchbook-1 /Sketchbook-2 / Behance / Facebook


        • #5

          I haven't use neither of those mentioned. Then of course I need client approval. Vimeo has been good. Normally I start with creating spaceholder video to Vimeo and then update it daily. Client can view the content whenever they want, while the link address remains the same.

          My headache with Vimeo comes from payment issues and poorly skilled support. What's the point sending me 18 similar messages and expect different outcome.


          • #6
            There hasn't been any development with this issue. I would imagine, the ability to receive money would be important to any company. I have no Idea what to do with them. They are asking me to try this and that, but nothing changes.

            Any ideas?


            • #7
              Originally posted by JuhaHo View Post
              There hasn't been any development with this issue. I would imagine, the ability to receive money would be important to any company. I have no Idea what to do with them. They are asking me to try this and that, but nothing changes.

              Any ideas?
              Move banks? Get a revolut account and try with that? Use a different platform? Youtube/google drive like have been suggested above.
              James Burrell
              Visit my Patreon


              • #8

                I have used this bank about 33 years for now. I think it's the best option for small business here. There isn't many options to choose from. I asked Ai to generate a list of available banks here. My bank is the first on on the list. So changing banks wouldn't make things any better.

                What comes to different platform, I believe Vimeo is the option for b2b. I don't even know, if the clients are allowed to use the platforms mentioned here.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2025-01-16 143913 pankki.jpg
Views:	130
Size:	38.1 KB
ID:	1224803


                • #9
                  Is it the best option for a small business such as yours if you cannot pay for the services you need?
                  Is vimeo the best option for you if you cannot use it?

                  Seems like you've made up your mind...
                  James Burrell
                  Visit my Patreon


                  • #10
                    I wonder, why Vimeo just can't do the renewal. I'm on autorenew. However their renewal attempt was blocked by the bank, because it looked "suspicious". Manual renewing seems not to be working - the purchase button does nothing. I wonder why they can't do another renewal after I told the obstacles have been removed by my bank. So first it was a bank related problem and now transformed to be a Vimeo Webshop related issue. My bank has done everything they can now it's up to Vimeo to do the rest.


                    • #11
                      They (at Vimeo) told me to try another browser and reset my credit card information there, so I tested Edge. Here's what I got:

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2025-01-16 205241 transaction.jpg
Views:	125
Size:	24.1 KB
ID:	1224860


                      • #12
                        Maybe I should try Applepay.



                        • #13
                          No new answers from Vimeo for a while. I'm sure they can handle Mastecard payments. They just need to figure out how to receive my payment.

                          I even asked their bank information so I can wire transfer my payment. They told it's not possible. How come they don't they can run business without having a bank account?

                          I also asked their postal information so I can put the payment into envelope and send it with snail mail. How can a company run a business without a postal address?


                          • #14
                            No news from their side. I think I need to start googling their management contact information, or does anyone here know one?


                            • #15
                              Never had issues with Paypal, on the contrary they helped me solve some things I bought that weren't delivered. No idea who told you Paypal is a mess, because it's not. Just use paypal. It's easy to set up. No company the size of Vimeo will accept normal bank payments or postal address payments, that's just not feasible.


