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advice on junior visualizer qualifications...

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  • #16
    Clifton I'm sure that you doesn't need especialy architect in your thing, I'm agree with many of there, you doesn't need to be an architect to read layout and so on......
    I'm a product designer and I can read architect layout, so I think that 3D is a passion, point your choise about the sensibility and the technical references.
    I think you limitate the solutions with this choise.


    • #17
      Originally posted by paulison
      nvanherpt I have my theories as to why Perth is a weird place, but why do you think it is?
      weird because when i was there everyone was happy, it's not natural i tell ya! but seriously it's a nice spot, a little remote for me tho. funny that to do any sightseeing in perth you need to get on a bus for 4 hours. very handy to bali.


      • #18
        My two centsworth: qualifications mean far less than the quality of a portfolio and the character of the indicidual. Obviously, a certain degree of probing to ascertain the exact proportion of the portfolio that the individual worked upon is necessary - visualisation is often a team effort.

        My problem with taking on students is that yes, it might be cheaper, but their portfolios in my experience are full of wishy-washy 'atmospheric' archibollox (conceptual architectual tish-tosh).

        Yes, I was a student once, and you have to start somewhere I guess. My tip with students would be to pay them out of yer back pocket, cash in hand, for a few weeks before committing to to a position. If it goes well, cool. If it goes badley: "get out of my office you scruffy student!"

        Kind Regards,
        Richard Birket



        • #19
          Yes, I'm not planning on hiring a student. 1-3 years postgraduate experience is what I decided to advertise.

          My experience with students is it takes them 5x longer to do something than it should, and when they're finished, I have to redo it all myself.
          "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


          • #20
            Nevermind the fact that students have no experience whatsoever with dealing with realworld deadlines and demanding clients. They think they're getting it in college, but most still haven't sobered up to reality yet.

            As a 23-year-old, I think I can critically say this about most of my peers.

            On the upside -- the young ones don't necessarily know what their labor is worth, so you can get 'em cheap. Electronic Arts survives on this principle. Then there are the ones who think their college degree should skip them a few pay grades despite having no professional experience to speak of.

            Try to get them as free interns! Hahah.


