Last year, after years of dealing with a cobbled together file system, I decided reorganize all of my digital resource files into a better semblance of order. Since I work in an architectural office so I ended up using the CSI MasterFormat 2004 system.
It seemed to make sense at the time, as most of my resouces deal with stuff in the building industry. But over time I have found that there is so much stuff that doesn't quite fit into the MasterFormat system. Now I'm ending up with a another cobbled together system.
So I'm wondering if any of you have discovered the Rosetta Stone of organizational systems. The penultimate organization system that can clearly organize everything in the known universe that is no more than four folders deep. Anyone.
It seemed to make sense at the time, as most of my resouces deal with stuff in the building industry. But over time I have found that there is so much stuff that doesn't quite fit into the MasterFormat system. Now I'm ending up with a another cobbled together system.
So I'm wondering if any of you have discovered the Rosetta Stone of organizational systems. The penultimate organization system that can clearly organize everything in the known universe that is no more than four folders deep. Anyone.