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Who´s right ?????

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  • Who´s right ?????

    Jeaahhh, ill do it right now..

    Ill start a new 3D Package war right now and here..

    Well, ok, so Jonnybefree and me are thinking of learning a new 3D Package for new Clients.. More effect based, maybe more character...

    Jonny says, its Maya for sure...

    I Say maybe its XSI for sure...

    beneth the fact that my loved vray won´t work with XSI at the moment , What would you tell us ? NO FLAMING PLEASE. What are the advandages between these two and the disadvantages. and where would they top max the best ?


  • #2
    if you can live without vray I´d say xsi for sure! You can load milions of polys and it´s still faster than an empty max viewport!
    Daniel Westlund


    • #3
      Hi roppin,

      and do you have any experiance with maya , to realy compare ?

      Does anyone of you have deeper experiance in both of the two aplications ?


      • #4
        i believe morbid would have a comment or two on maya. i believe its his package of choice for alot of things

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • #5
          yes indeed. but choise for maya can be argued now. when i learned 3d, xsi was nowhere (6 years ago) maya was at the top, then max was dangling along.... now things are changing and xsi is becoming more efficient, faster dynamics, more flexible rigging, many tools, really adaptable. problem with xsi/maya is that you will be stuck with another renderer i.e. mental ray. and unlike vray, it dont have that many options for light cache or irmap. infact its a totally different structure of workflows. So instead of learning just the new soft you will also be learning a brand new way of rendering.
          As a comparison, for example xsi has a much better intergrated mental ray, as well as doc file for it. In maya things are shady in that area.
          In xsi dynamics are literally real time in view port, allowing you to simulate loads of geometry, where as in maya it needs precaching and cand be very slow, with few options to speed it up.
          Not to mention new gigapolygon tool and gator in xsi as well.

          the reason i dont use xsi is because i hate the interface, cant stand it, i dont kno why just cant. so maya and max for me
          Dmitry Vinnik
          Silhouette Images Inc.


          • #6
            Well, as much as I avoid these topics, what the hell?

            I'd say if Max is working for you, stick with Max. If you need more effects, do it in post (Fusion works great for a lot of things). Or you could try Houdini.

            All the programs in the end do the same thing, so I couldn't really see the advantage of switching other than for novelty's sake. And if you want to check out what Max is capable of character-wise, the install DVD comes with a demo character somewhere on it called "Maxine" that's an incredible rig and well set up for a production pipeline.

            That being said, I'm sticking with Max for as long as I can see fit since it does everything I need it to. I am, however, anxiously awaiting Modo 301 when supposedly the character animation system will be included.

            Is there anything in particular you absolutely need or are looking to get from a different package?


            • #7
              -repost- oops-sorry. I'm having some problems with the forums today when replying.


              • #8
                Hi dapeter,

                Well in the last two month, we did some first minor animations for tv. Nothing realy increadibly difficult,

                and as you say, Max does fit the shoe for a very wide range of work.

                But... for example we did do make a slowmo effect using reaktor and pf. this and i think in many other cases was very difficult, unexpected behaviours everywhere.

                We tried the animaitonmixer due to it was told, it would do now the job. but.. after saving a clip, how to reopen it easy ?

                i think for the most common jobs, you can get a result . but when it comes to short deadlines, (and i dont want to stick forever with architecture), i think both programs, maya and also xsi are much more robust solutions, faster, newer, more integrated.

                We sure will stay using max, because we all can use it. But in this for us new field, maya or xsi for the midrange future could do the job maybe better easier and faster.



                • #9
                  @ Morbid,

                  Well you are somehow right. Some things in Maya seem to me more intuitive. and i think to migrate from max to maya is much easier as to switch to XSI,

                  but somehow i feel, xsi ist in its special areas allready more advanced . as i heared, particles is worse, but speed is realy high and everything is well integrated.

                  and.. isnt also maya in particle things much faster as max ? What is about pf compared to maya particles , and reaktor compared to maya and xsi ?

                  also missing are the painteffects. so i think maya is more complete in area of funktionality.

                  but... well if i knew...

                  hmm ??? !


                  • #10
                    hmm ..why still supporting the way, Autodesk is playing with the 3d world?

                    Maya is maybe ...just now this moment ..dead, and Autodesk is just not telling us the truth and continue selling it and then drop support before you can say ..a new OS here - how can i run autodesk maya now?

                    btw, go with XSI, if you want a rockstable 3d package without all the bugs which will come when autodesk will release the first update.
                    I'm pretty sure you also will not miss vray, because the integration of mr in xsi is a pretty different kind of software when you only know the crappy mr in max now. ..i also had huge problems with the UI of XSI , but now i think it's very clever and flexible. ..just my 2c.
           | - home of hdri knowledge


                    • #11

                      my two cents:
                      If you don't have a person around that has some years of production experience with either package then don't switch the whole company. You won't get a single job done if you have to learn it the hard way.
                      We are a max house and we have both one maya unlimited and one xsi seat for special problems. Every time we tried to use one of them for a whole job ( even small ones ) we ended up doing it in max.

                      Best Regards,

                      visit my developer blog


                      • #12
                        Thank you for your comments...

                        Well i know about those difficulties in switching.

                        I am pretty sure, the first job we will do with another package is still more but a year ahead.

                        but for sure, i think its worth the work (at last it still makes fun to us, learning new things ). And of course, Max for long time will stay our first choise.

                        its only that we want to start fishing in other waters

                        thanks for any comments



                        • #13
                          Well, ironically after I wrote the other message I ended up buying a copy of Modo - mostly looking forward to the painting and material baking tools (although the modelling is pretty sweet, too).


                          • #14
                            Maya and Max

                            You really have to consider sometime in the future - don't know how far away - that the two will become one - Max and Maya. It just doesn't make any sense to have two development teams working against each other under the same roof. I was trained in Maya and still use it occasionally I just don't get what all the fuss is about.

                            Two years ago I thought XSI was going to blow everyone away, but now I'm not convinced. I'm afraid I'm not being of much help, but that's my 2cents.

                            Good Luck in your decision.


                            • #15
                              My opinion is that 3dsmax can be one artist tool and with it you can do anything. With XSI and Maya you need whole bunch of people and piepline. Ok xsi can have more polygons but comon just take a look at this
                              it's all about normals so you don't need so many polys nowadays. I used xsi for a year and okey it was nice and fast but I will never get this whole shader tree thing, same goes for maya. I'm totaly lost in this hypershade thingy.
                              Luke Szeflinski
                              :: cgi

