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Freelance advice/tips

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  • #16
    I havent had much time ......
    I am setting up a DBA and getting some other things in order.
    Any more tips would be greatly appriciated !



    • #17


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dynedain
        It is also very easy to not keep your website up to date.
        Very true. It depends on how busy, how organized, and good you are with Dreamweaver, HTML, and CSS.

        You could also use a database solution to setup your portfolio and easily update your website from there. Siliconbauhaus on the forum has had experience setting up databases for architectural portfolios and Flash. You may want to PM him for a quote/talk.

        Originally posted by Dynedain
        If a potential client calls you, and you refer him to your website, you have just squandered an opportunity to make valuable face to face contact.
        Agreed again. I should add however, that if you want to work over the internet (which is a completely viable solution), then you would still want a website as a 'face to face' meeting may be out of the question.

        In some ways, meeting 'face to face' with a client can be disastrous unless you've good direct communication skills, sales, and presentation (a totally different skillset.)
        LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
        HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
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        • #19
          I checked out David Wright's articles and his web site and was very impressed, except for one thing: They are 2 years out of date. Is it really that hard to update a web page? I always thought it just took a few minutes time, but perhaps some people have contracts with their site admins that make it costly to update, or perhaps I'm just making excuses for them.


          • #20
            they're two years old, i wouldn't say they are necessarily out of date. the information in them is still very valid.


            • #21
              The information is not out of date. But depending on how a website is setup, it can be either very easy or very hard to update. For instance, I made my company's website very easy to update ( and there are non-technical people on the marketing team who are expected to review and update the website on a scheduled interval (once a month I believe). Likewise, my own personal website uses the same system to make it easy to update. The downside is that I get so busy that updating my personal website becomes a lower priority for me, and so it hasn't been updated in 5-6 months.

              Making the website easy/cheap to modify/update is immensely bennificial to the life of the website. However, discipline in makeing updates is the driving factor in whether the site actually stays up to date.


              • #22
                I didn't mean to say that the info/material was out of date, but that the date of all the submitions is, leading me to believe that he's not keeping his site updated. It's definately still bookmarked in my favorites though. I just have a hard time believing that such a nice tool for marketing ones self, that took a lot of time to design and create, doesn't get the 10 minutes that it should take once a month to house clean up the virtual dust.


                • #23
                  Last I heard David was working for Nvidia, but that was a while ago. I think he got burned out workin 18 hour days for too long.

