Hello all,
I know that this is really off topic but i think its a good place to look for help on this one. Basically my wife and i are in the process of learning to speak spanish. i live in Canada and my computer is setup as such. I was hoping that someone might be able to point me in the right direction in allowing me to type in spanish. I'm sure there is some kind of language pack thingy to install or some sequence to switch the keyboard over or something. I would really like to get a hold on this because i think that participating in some spanish3d forums would be really great practice. Plus i would be learning all the words and sentences of my industry. Any help is appreciated.
I know that this is really off topic but i think its a good place to look for help on this one. Basically my wife and i are in the process of learning to speak spanish. i live in Canada and my computer is setup as such. I was hoping that someone might be able to point me in the right direction in allowing me to type in spanish. I'm sure there is some kind of language pack thingy to install or some sequence to switch the keyboard over or something. I would really like to get a hold on this because i think that participating in some spanish3d forums would be really great practice. Plus i would be learning all the words and sentences of my industry. Any help is appreciated.