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How to import text into max from autocad?

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  • How to import text into max from autocad?

    It's probably something really obvious I'm missing, but does anyone out there know how to get text to be included when importing a .dwg file into max? I've tried File Link Manager as well as a striaght import, and that doesn't work either.

    Thanks in advance.


    Andrew Martin Visualisation

  • #2
    Convert your texts into curves, then they wil be no more texts (fonts) but pure geometry. BTW, can't you use the MAX's < text > creator.
    What is your goal, actually ?

    Best regards,
    nikki Candelero
    .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


    • #3
      Hi Nikki,
      I'm modelling an external space with lots of ramps from a series of spot heights on a CAD dwg, and to make it easier I'd like to bring the text of each spot height into max to avoid keep looking at the CAD dwg in AutoCAD. It'll just make the modelling easier really. I've tried exploding the text in AutoCAD, but it won't let you do it. What do you mean by converting the text into curves? is that something you can do in AutoCAD?



      Andrew Martin Visualisation


      • #4
        I did the same as nikki said - I brought the dwg into illustrator, converted the text into curves and brough it in. I found it was handier though to have a copy of the free dwg trueview program open as a reference - all those splines make your viewport very sluggish.


        • #5
          You need the AutoCAD express tools menus. There you have an option , which < EXPLODEs > your texts into curves ( polylines as far as i remember ) long time haven't played with that old frined - AutoCAD.

          Best regards,
          nikki Candelero
          .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


          • #6
            From what I can remember, the only problem with taking dwgs into Illustrator and then into max, is that the scale gets all messed up doesn't it? Admitedly it is a way round it, but surely there must be a way of getting text directly from AutoCAD to max? Thanks for the response both of you, this forum is just so damn fast with replies!

            Andrew Martin Visualisation


            • #7
              Give me a sec, i'll show you how to do it.

              Best regards,
              nikki Candelero
              .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


              • #8
                Fantastic, thanks Nikki you're a star! I've never bothered with the Express tools in the past, so I never would have found that.



                Andrew Martin Visualisation


                • #9
                  Just print out a copy, since you just need to see the text, the scale doesnt matter - and it will be a lot easier than having all that extra geometry killing your viewport.

