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How create maxscript NURBS surface? MAXNURBS project inside

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  • How create maxscript NURBS surface? MAXNURBS project inside

    Help me please.

    I create a nurbsset of the node, then check the curve to create the new surface.
    Make the surface, append it to the nurbsset.
    Then i can only create a new node or add all the nurbsset to my current node.
    I just want to append the new surface to my current node... But how???

    If someone know please.

    sorry for my bad english.

  • #2
    This was done in Max ? Nurbs ?! Fantastic. I thought max nurbs are total mess. I use rhino for nurbs modeling. So can't help here...
    I just can't seem to trust myself
    So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
    CG Artist


    • #3
      Originally posted by Paul Oblomov
      I thought max nurbs are total mess.
      They are lol....tho i cant help i'd like to shout kudos to you....if that's max nurbs then it's a great job


      • #4
        thanks for your congrat.

        Yes all was done with max nurbs.
        The global method to modelise is the same than rhino.
        You just need more step.

        Some max nurbs sub-object surface are very robust.
        Some other are very useless.

        Is for that i need to script some method.


        • #5
          instinct, btw, do you remember last PM subj ? Just no words from you for so long

          PeloEV1, have you tried zebra (as in Rhino) to make sure that the quality of these surfaces enough ?
          I just can't seem to trust myself
          So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
          CG Artist


          • #6
            Sorry Paul...i had completely forgotten We're in crazy crunchtimes atm due to 2 ppl in hospital (one beeing dimo as you know) and paris autosalon knocking at our door...good news is that dimo is out of reha now (tho of course not at work already) but i can ask him directly now.


            P.S. Sorry for the thread hi jackin


            • #7
              PeloEV1, have you tried zebra (as in Rhino) to make sure that the quality of these surfaces enough ?
              My zebra method is vray render with high reflected surface

              Tell me more about zebra.

              For me quality is a surface with constant curve, good trimming and joint. No?
              The ISO view is important too. The ISO curve must follow the surface curve.Not a surface with lot of trim to have the desired model.



              • #8
                PeloEV1, well zebra is a way to look at surfaces, thier curvature, their quality of blending between each other... It's just stripes, mapped on object.

                This quoted from Rhino help.

                Maps stripes onto surfaces and meshes for analysis.
                The Zebra command is one of a series of visual surface analysis commands. These commands use NURBS surface evaluation and rendering techniques to help you visually analyze surface smoothness, curvature, and other important properties.
                instinct, I knew about that, that's why hadn't bother you for a quite long time Glad to hear, dimo is alright.
                I just can't seem to trust myself
                So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
                CG Artist


                • #9
                  wow...I thought max nurbs were abandoned. Aparently not. I cant help with your problems mate, since I know very little of max nurbs. But damn I must say that this is a great job indeed. How long did it take you to do this?
                  Dmitry Vinnik
                  Silhouette Images Inc.


                  • #10
                    I can't tell you how hours spend on this project.
                    It's a after work and rainy week end job. Yes it rain today...
                    But it's certainly take less time than a good poly-modeling.

                    This project should finished on a tutorial for global nurbs comprehension.
                    Tanks again for your reply.
                    I hope your understand what i write.



                    • #11
                      I think Max NURBS get a bad rap. Just be cause the UI isn't as complete or user-friendly as Rhino, doesn't mean they are not as powerful. Its all the same mathematics, or they wouldn't be called NURBS.

                      I've had this debate with a friend for several years, and there is not one thing he produces in Rhino that I can't do in Max NURBS more quickly and cleanly.

                      There are limitations, especially in terms of snaps and boolean operations, but Rhino actually has the same limitations. If you do an IGS import of a NURBS surface or object from Rhino to Max, you will see the ways that Rhino "cheats" to make surfaces appear continuous or united, when actually they are often a patchwork of surfaces.

                      I think Rhino is easier for newbies, especially students, to learn and work in, but when they end up bringing their stuff into Max to render, their surfaces look like ass. I encourage students to do their NURBS natively in Max for best results at render time.
                      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"

