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Does anyone speak Ukrainian/Russian? (Windows Vista Problem)

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  • Does anyone speak Ukrainian/Russian? (Windows Vista Problem)


    I'm having a few problems installing Max 9 64 bit on Windows Vista RC. When I try to run Max after installation I get an error message saying Adlmpx.exe has stopped working. I’ve done a search on Google and the only entry for Adlmpx.exe is on a Ukrainian CG forum.

    I was wondering if someone would have a look at this thread for me and see if there is a simple solution.

    I'm interested in the 8th post down by TrimpleX. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Dan Brew

  • #2
    It's ok, I've solved it!
    Dan Brew


    • #3
      What was it? I am planning on installing Vista/Max 9 soon.
      Eric Boer


      • #4

        It was to do with the new 'security features' built into Vista. I'm new to Vista and don't really understand how it works yet.

        Basically you have to run Max as an Administrator. I was logged in with administrative privileges but apparently that wasn't enough. I had to right click on the Max icon, click on properties and go to the compatibility tab and check 'run as adminstrator'.

        I think this happened because I still had 'user account control' switched on. If I'd switched this off from the begining then Max might have worked. Before I turned UAC off everytime I clicked on something - and I mean everytime - the whole screen went black and I got a dialogue box saying 'Windows needs your permission to continue'. Now it just keeps on reminding me I've turned UAC off and asking if I want to turn it back on.

        I wish I could be more helpful but I've only been a Vista user for a few hours and as I said earlier I don't fully understand how it works. If anyone else on here is using Vista and has any tips I'd be interested to hear them.

        I've got Max and VRay working now though, so that's a start.

        Dan Brew

