Anyone have any ideas on how to create a realistic Ground material for a large power plant scene based in Kentucky? I am having real trouble trying to create a good texture for my roads and grassy areas because my textures tile . I suspect its because the scene covers such a large area of land but still I know it can be done. I need areas that are weedy and other areas that are kind of sparse. I tried using a noise map but that didn't really help the tileing. I will try to post a pic tomorrow...but I thought I might pick some brains on this hard situation. I have not seen any good ground excet in VUE 5 or 6 Infinite that was realistic enough for me. I just don't know how to get my vray camera out to match in VUE. Then I could use a Matte and just use VUE to do the Landscape. I haven't given up on Max 9 yet though...I know it can be done but I don't know how! HELP!!
Thanks fellas!
Thanks fellas!