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Amazing 3dsmax animation

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  • Amazing 3dsmax animation

    I came across this site on max underground. I know very little about it, the site is in French but, the animations are spellbinding. It seems as tough they are crediting 3dsmax, Photoshop and Premiere but there must be more to it, maybe a French speaker out there can enlighten me.


  • #2

    if you look at the bottom, there is an english button. lol

    french school of animation, there work/stdents are well know as being excellent. only wish i could have gone there!

    and wow, what a piece of work...the style is a bit of a rip off or gorrilaz (passion pictures) and latest dreamworks titles, lik eopen season, in terms of character design. but who cares. i love the cartoon feel, the timing and shots is superb. the stop motion bits in the fight work really well.

    top job!
    Freelance TD/Generalist


    • #3
      damn... nice film!!! love the style and look.


      • #4
        That makes sense

        Ah now that makes sense - the caliber of work is just amazing.
        I would never have found that English button, unless you pointed it out.
        One or two of the projects definetly have that Art School feeling in story, but as far as quality goes - I would never have guessed.

        Thanks for info


        • #5
          Originally posted by unknown
          and wow, what a piece of work...the style is a bit of a rip off or gorrilaz (passion pictures)
          Eh, quite similar indeed.
          I was lucky enough to be on the receiving hand of the guy that was doing most of the modelling for the brit awards piece, and i remember him bitching to no end when modelling the hairs, which look identical in the piece
          Lucky me I didn't work on that one...

          This said, not bad at all for students, but i met many a french guy at Passion, over the years, and they were ALL incredibly good, and incredibly young.
          I can see why, now...



          • #6
            Bugger me - nearly everything on there is amazing.

            They should show these to every single student studying animation in Britain.

            Then hand them a tissue.
            MDI Digital


            • #7
              And then show them to irish animation students.

              Then hand them a gun with one bullet.


              • #8
                Oh I'd love to try that with the some of the students who've sent us their showreel from Bournemouth. But they'd probably panic, jam the bullet up their nose and beat themselves unconscious with the gun.

                Still, it's a result I suppose.
                MDI Digital


                • #9
                  3dsmax never looked so good

                  Am I getting this wrong or where all of these animations done with just photoshop, premiere and 3dsmax. I have to say that this is amongst the best character animation I have ever seen done with max.
                  What is the magic key they have that all the rest are missing ?


                  • #10
                    Well, what i saw some of these guys i met in London doing was fairly mad.
                    I remember on one of the harry potter game intro movies, one of them spent a week and a half modelling EVERY tile and rock of a vast cavern with a path.
                    The result was that there were no two rocks, or rocky tiles, equal in the whole shot, and each of them was a small piece of art in itself.
                    On another HP advert (the one with the city flipping like carboards), they pretty much did by hand what I (and others within the company, TD included) would have approached procedurally, thinking it too much work.
                    The amount of attention to detail, hours of work per day, and final results within a deadline was honestly WAY above anything else i ever saw done.
                    And mind you, they did so with Lightwave 7.5, not even max.
                    It surely takes talent and training, but i think it also takes some comfort with the skills one possesses, and a vast amount of patience.
                    I still have a group in my MSN with some of them in it, called "The French Army".
                    For a reason



                    • #11
                      So insanity is the key

                      So insanity is the key to excellent 3D - that figures
                      Attention to detail is something that an be so easily overlooked in the 3D World, it truely takes and artistically trained eye to nail stuff like that.
                      Whatever drugs they are taking to get things done - it's amazing work.

