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Compositing 101

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  • Compositing 101

    Hi all,

    Been using vray for a while now but only recently started to make use of the render elements in 1.5. Many of these I've found to be extremely useful but I am really scrabbling around in the dark to a great extent, simply because everything I do is trial and error (more error that trial to be honest).

    Whilst I'm a great fan of learning from experience I would like to know if there is anything (book, DVD etc) I should have to hand for properly compositing still images using render passes in Photoshop. There seem to be a number of publications on compositing, but I don't want something that is not relevant to the tools I have.

    There are some elements that I simply don't understand, and some I understand, but don't know how to utalise in Photoshop.

    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    The really broad rule is that pretty much anything that adds light such as specular, reflection or a diffuse pass gets screened or added on. Anything that takes light away like a shadow or vray dirt pass gets multiplied.


    • #3
      Thanks..............a good start.

      Now specular is something I don't understand. I often read posts about using fall of maps and specular maps but have no clues as to their uses.

      I'm sure this is one of only a mountain of things, but I need to start somewhere.



      • #4
        i would do some googling for good lighting and compositing books and dvds. Its a huge field with alot to digest.

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."

