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ScriptSpot "RE-Launch" - new site and raffle prize

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  • ScriptSpot "RE-Launch" - new site and raffle prize

    Many of you know that I created / maintain a 3ds max scripting website - …

    I am proud to announce that the ScriptSpot “RE-launch” is here! The new site has tons of new features but here are some of the key ones:
    • - Support for multiple applications - ScriptSpot is debuting with support for 3ds max and SketchUp with additional applications coming online based on demand
      - User contributed content (if you previously contributed content, you already get a username that will allow you to edit anything you had uploaded on the old site.
      - User blogs - ie which gives everyone their own blog page and pulls together all their submitted content.
      - Favorites tracking on the blog pages allows people to mark certain scripts as their “favorite” and those scripts are also integrated into the blog page.
      - Content ranking & comments. Like a script? Give it a thumbs up by clicking the “plus” sign on the voting widget. Have any comments you’d like to add? Simply add them as all content on the site can be commented on.

    Here's the really cool part- we’re giving away prizes!!! Not cheapy little t-shirts or mousepads. We’re raffling off really cool prizes that are actually worth a lot of money!

    How do you enter? Simply go to contest entries / winners will always be on the frontpage. Contests are once / week on average so they will be going until the end of March. No purchase necessary, so don’t miss your opportunity to win great prizes!

    Christopher Grant
    Director of Visualization, HMC Architects

  • #2
    Not to mention i am the top-rated scripter in the new one, with a grand total of 6 votes!
    It will never happen again, so go there now and check it out while the magic lasts!!!

    And, Chris, i blogged it, but i'd rather repeat myself than not be heard: THANKYOU so much to you and your wife for the amount of work and money you threw into this.
    It's a damnably good site, really nicely thought out, and has what is the most beautiful search box in the entire history of mankind (at least under firefox).
    I am entirely sure it will become even more of a reference to scripters and users than the previous one was.
    It really has potential to become a community, rather than being like most sites just a "place to download stuff".




    • #3
      sites down for me

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #4
        great job Chris,

        i imagine it was a lot of work to adapt the old database without losing anything...

        the big search field is cool, but it's so big that i actually didn't find it for a moment
        i'd give it a different bg color than black.
        also, it's a bit hard to identify links, because they use the same style as body text.

        i see some room for improvement, design wise, but most important, the engine seems to work very well, especially the user area.
        Marc Lorenz
        ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


        • #5
          oops the site is fine, its just the hotlink in the post has a comma after it so might want to fix that.

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • #6
            Originally posted by plastic_
            great job Chris,

            i imagine it was a lot of work to adapt the old database without losing anything...

            the big search field is cool, but it's so big that i actually didn't find it for a moment
            i'd give it a different bg color than black.
            also, it's a bit hard to identify links, because they use the same style as body text.

            i see some room for improvement, design wise, but most important, the engine seems to work very well, especially the user area.
            Yeah, the site definitely has room for improvement, I'll be the first to say that even. The advantage is really in the underpinnings of the site. This version is built on a powerful open source content management system. New features for the CMS are being introduced all the time and from that may be introduced into ScriptSpot.

            Bringing over all the old content was actually the biggest headache. It was supposed to be like 10% of the project and ended up taking probably 50% of the alotted hours. Actually to a large degree thats why certain areas of the site still need some kinks worked out - when there is a fixed budget there's only so much that can get done...

            I hope you all enjoy the new site and I'll keep working on making it even better!
            Christopher Grant
            Director of Visualization, HMC Architects


            • #7
              Originally posted by percydaman
              oops the site is fine, its just the hotlink in the post has a comma after it so might want to fix that.
              Whew, that's a relief!!!

              The new site runs on its own dedicated server (plenty of room to grow) so it better not be going down!
              Christopher Grant
              Director of Visualization, HMC Architects


              • #8
                Thank you Chris for all your hardwork. It's the Craigslist of the Max world - hopefully soon to expand for your sake!
                LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                • #9
                  One more "thanks"..

                  Hey Chris, I've never met you personally, but just wanted to say thanks for the great resource. I haven't made the time yet to push myself beyond rudimentory max-scripting, but I have, on more than one occasion, downloaded scripts from your site that have saved me large amounts of time. For this, my wife also thanks you. Great redesign too. Love the keywords searches too. My only comment is that the search box should be bigger. LOL but really, thanks again.

                  Joel Burbage
                  Focus 360
                  joel burbage


                  • #10
                    You have some dead links there, I just tried to download this and it didnt work -

                    I dont know shit about scripting and i'm intending to learn, so hopefully your site is going to be a good resource for me soon.

