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Substitute modifier and vray proxy

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  • Substitute modifier and vray proxy

    Hi all,
    I have a large exterior scene with tons of landscaping. I have the landscape plan in CAD format and all the plant symbols are blocks. When I import the cad file into max, all the blocks are instanced. Normally, I'd use the substitute modifier on the block to replace all instances of the block with the correct 3d plant, but it seems that in Max 9, the substitute modifier won't let me select the proxy as the substitute object. Anyone know a way around this?

    I know I can use clone and align, but I have hundreds of instances and would like a quicker way. I remember seeing a tutorial on this somewhere but I can't seem to find it now.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • #2
    Give this a go - unfortunately on max 8 here so not sure if it'll error or not.

    -- Feed in an array of objects to replace and an array of objects to replace with
    Function replaceObjects objectsToReplace newObjs =
    	if (newObjs.count != 0) then -- If there is a tree object selected then start replacing the nulls with trees
    		if (newObjs.count == 1) then -- selection count is one - replace all of the nulls with one type of tree
    			newObj = newObjs[1]
    			for i = 1 to objectsToReplace.count do
    				newObj = instance newObj
    				newObj.pos = objectsToReplace[i].pos
    				-- newTree.boxmode = on
    				delete objectsToReplace[i]
    		) else	( -- selection count is more than one so randomly pick a tree to use.
    			newObjsCount = newObjs.count
    			for i = 1 to objectsToReplace.count do
    				newObj = instance newObjs[random 1 newObjsCount]
    				newObj.pos = objectsToReplace[i].pos
    				-- newTree.boxmode = on
    				delete objectsToReplace[i]
    		) -- End else
    	)	-- End first if
    -- Globals -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global replaceArray = #()
    global newObjArray = #()
    buttonWidth = 200
    buttonAlign = #right
    -- End Globals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rollout objectReplacer "Object replacer"
    	group "Set source objects"	
    		button defineObjsToReplace "Set objects to replace" width:buttonWidth align:buttonAlign
    		button defineNewObjs "Set new objects" width:buttonWidth align:buttonAlign
    	group "Set replace options"
    		spinner xScale "X scale randomness" range:[0,100,10] type:#float
    		spinner yScale "Y scale randomness" range:[0,100,10] type:#float
    		spinner zScale "Z scale randomness" range:[0,100,10] type:#float
    		spinner xRot "X Rotation randomness" range:[0,100,10] type:#float
    		spinner yRot "Y Rotation randomness" range:[0,100,10] type:#float
    		spinner zRot "Z Rotation randomness" range:[0,100,10] type:#float
    	button replaceIt "Replace objects" width:buttonWidth align:buttonAlign
    	on defineObjsToReplace pressed do
    		if selection.count != 0 then
    			replaceArray = selection as array
    			replaceObjNames = ""
    			for i = 1 to replaceArray.count do
    				replaceObjNames += replaceArray[i].name + ","
    			defineObjsToReplace.text = substring replaceObjNames 1 30
    	on defineNewObjs pressed do
    		if selection.count != 0 then
    			newObjArray = selection as array
    			newObjNames = ""
    			for i = 1 to newObjArray.count do
    				newObjNames += newObjArray[i].name + ","
    			defineNewObjs.text = substring newObjNames 1 30
    	on replaceIt pressed do
    		replaceObjects replaceArray newObjArray
    createDialog objectReplacer width:300


    • #3
      Thanks for the script! Unfortunately, I got an error:

      -- Type error: CreateDialog requires RolloutClass, got: undefined

      I'm mascript illiterate, so if anyone out there knows how to fix this for Max 9, I'd appreciate it. Lele, you there?

