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Time tracking -- app tracking -- (aka spying on myself)

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  • Time tracking -- app tracking -- (aka spying on myself)

    Since my workday is often very fragmented and I work on many different jobs, I'd like to find some type of software that records my time using different applications and different documents within those applications. Ideally the software would be able to easily summarize a day's work or even a week's worth of work visually (like a graph) and numerically via some sort of report. The ultimate software would allow you to associate certain documents (from different apps) with a single project so it could aggregate the tracked time logically -- and then integrate with Quickbooks.

    Spherical Timesheet does almost all of this -- but it's got some issues that make it a bit problematic. It's due to be upgraded -- but I'm still waiting.

    Does anyone know of software that can take care of this -- I've never used any Spy Software but I imagine the functionality would be similar although I don't need the kind of granular details that spy software would probably record (like which web pages I'm viewing or whatever).

  • #2
    I remember checking that program out when I was looking for something similar, but I found it to be way too automatic so I went with this instead: it's more manual but still have some automatic features, it's probably not something for you but I recommend this program as often as I can, so others might find it useable


