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Towels for six4one - matl request

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  • Towels for six4one - matl request

    I'm going to upload some towel models to six4one as an .obj file and would like to include a really good vray towel material with it... except I'm not very good at creating nice materials....

    Does anybody have a nice fluffy displaced towel material they could donate?



  • #2
    I did a towel a whilte back - just use displacement with a photoshop image of noise - blur it a little and it comes out nice and towelish - do the usual trick of having it fade to black at the edges and put some rectangular borders in so it has a pattern.


    • #3
      Thanks joconnell, I'll give that a try.


      • #4
        I've had success with just a peach-white diffuse color and a terrycloth displacement map (the map was found on these forums).

        Something similar applied to these objects would probably look pretty nice.


        • #5
          Thanks for the heads up on that one Dynedain. The texture was posted by Natty - I've done some slight mods by running it through 'image synth' to get a tilable texture.

          Here's my latest effort - I've stayed away from any boarders, didn't really want to get into the whole UV mapping thing.... but have separated the edges from the fluffy bit in the model.


          • #6
            Give vray fur a quick go too.


            • #7
              Looks very nice! Of course if you're going to make it an obj or standalone, i'd do the UVW unwrapping... painfull, I know, but in the kinds of scenes where you'd be dropping these in place, you'd want it to be easy and simple to use.


              • #8
                Personally I'd remake them - make a dense plane object so you have your mapping straight away, use simcloth to drop them over a bar and onto a flat surface and then use the shell modifier to give them thickness. You'll be able to have loads of towel poses by snapshotting the same mesh at different points in the sim and by using shell and then turbosmooth, you'll get a nice round edge to the towel which will help with the fluffiness. Not to mention that you have problem planar coordinates from the off.

                They're great as is but if I needed to remap them, I reckon it'd be quicker to remake as above than try and uvmap the swines!


                • #9
                  wow... you guys are hard to please!

                  The uv unwrapping looks like too big a job... think I'll pass on that one! Remodelling sounds like a pain too, soooo... these will be plain towels..

                  Here's the link to six4one...


                  Hopefully they may come in useful to someone?


                  • #10
                    Useful immediately. Thanks.
           - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


                    • #11
                      My pleasure!


                      • #12
                        Nice job, thanks.

                        Andrew Martin Visualisation


                        • #13
                          Thanks armilla.


                          • #14
                            how do you actually download from six4one's site? ..i registered, but i still can not find a download button.


                            • #15
                              it was added to the non-public download repository wich is meant for legit vray users only. i just added you to the right group should work now for you.
                              I saw you registered two times. For now i added both to the legit group. plz let me know wich account you would like to keep.


