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MAX9 -how to get rid of "def. project folder"

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  • MAX9 -how to get rid of "def. project folder"

    Is there a way to get rid of "default project folder" nightmare in MAX 9 ?
    Maybe some tricky-scripting stuff ? I work on many different projects at a time, I can`t use only one folder, especially with such a file structure.

    Right now, each time I want to save a rendered preview image I have to:
    1. select the last folder from the history (why the hell MAX9 can`t remember the last preference, as it was in MAX6,7,8 ???)
    2. I always have to choose file type format or type file extension, why can`t MAX9 remeber it as well? (this was already spoiled in MAX

    If someone`s got an efficient remedy for this Autodesk`s stupidity, I`ll pay in gold !

    BTW maxtreme D3D is a piece of ... crap. Why do they spoil everything instead of improving? Doesn`t make much sense to me.
    OK, enough moaning


  • #2
    I agree with your rant, and can I just add, "bloody Autodesk". From now on, I shall refer to them as autodesk, not Autodesk. That'll show 'em!
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket



    • #3
      The project folders in 3ds Max 9 are a blessing! It forces people that were previously not organised to become organised, which makes life a lot easier in a team and also while I am teaching.

      When you set a project folder (from the File menu) a default set of folders is created for you, with convenient places to store textures, sound files, previews, scenes and per-project autobacks. If you do not like the default folder structure, you can edit it by changing the info inside the .MXP file created in that folder. It is quite self-explanatory when you open it up, for which you can use Notepad.

      Also, if you set all your paths to be relative to the project folder (either through the Preferences, Files tab or through the Asset Tracker) you will be able to safely move that entire folder to a different machine and not have to worry about missing maps ever again - provided they are in the correct locations in your project folder.

      I am used to creating a set of folders for every project I do, so it is quite helpful having that created automatically. for you. Try it - it may just surprise you with its usefulness
      [ ]


      • #4
        We got a complete custom filestructure that includes all departments (not only 3D departments) that resides on fileservers. I never had to worry about missing maps as they are centralised. But now i have to worry about full c-drives because the default folder is in MyDocuments and trashes all the _recover and autoback there. It's a pest in my eyes...might have to look into mxp editing tho...but i doubt it can be adjusted to suite our structure (as we're working shotbased)



        • #5
          The three keys above seem to get rif of the nagging internet connection, and damnable bubble notification poppint the moment i need that area free.
          Use at your very own risk, i NEVER wrote these, you must have read them somewhere else.
          This gets rid of the user profile behaviour, and of course will have you lose every user setting you had (all of my scripts, if installed already, get lost in the user setup, along with the menus.). Much better if usd with a fresh max install.



          • #6
            You can change the location of the userpath in max9.. it doesnt have to be my docs ( I am assuming you know that tho.. right )

            There is a file called InstallSettings.ini which has material directories as well as an option to turn off the user profile shit.. wonder if thats useable in a way across multiple machines to make your life easier?


            • #7
              You can change the default locations for where your files get saved by going to Customize - Configure User paths. So you can change it basically to the old defaults and have them save in the Max directory. Of course this has to be done for each user. You could copy your max.ini after you set up one to all users on all machines, but it is a big hassle.

              The MXP files are nice to work with as well, I don't know about editing all that much as we store them on a central server as well.

              **Oooo didn't know you could get the per user stuff turned off, I'll have to look at that!


              • #8
                of course i can change the location, but for each user is screaming for problems here. we got nearly 15 workstations. and user accounts are domain accounts that change on a monthly basis due to new freelancers arriving, others leaving etc. It's just one big PIA for me.



                • #9
                  I know that User Profiles can be helpful when working on single project, but it`s also helpful to know that you can acutally turn them off

                  Thanks for the tips StudioDIM. I haven`t seen anything, but will try the unseen anyway .

