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Network error

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  • Network error

    Has anyone seen such an error and know anyting aobut it?

    I recently bought (2) Intel Duo Core computers, both with Windows XP 64 and using Max 7. Every once in while when I try to save I get this message. The network is working fine, because I do not have problems saving on the other computers in which there is also Windows XP 64. The strange thing, though, is once I receive this error, the original file is erased from the server. The computer is trying to save a file, for example House01, but House01 no longer exists on the server. The only thing different about these computers is the fact that they are Duo Core. It seems strange that that has anything to do with the problem? I really do not know what to do about the problem. Thanks for any suggestions.

  • #2
    Do you have Diskeeper installed?
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket



    • #3
      We had a similar error a year ago on our renderfarm (xp64)

      Solutions we had:
      -change the data server back to windows ( as the data storage was Unix or linux, can not remember)
      -The IT guy wrote a little <refresh> connection script, checking the connection each 2 minutes or so.

      Hope it helps
      Alain Blanchette


      • #4
        Unfortunately I do not know what Diskeeper is. How do I change the data server? Where is this setting?


        • #5
          I had that happen too on one of our computers. I think our IT guy added a new network card which seemed to fix the problem. But in the end, the whole computer was a piece of junk so we scrapped it and I built a new one.
          Tim Nelson


          • #6
            I hope I did not just buy TWO pieces of junk!!!


            • #7
              Well I did, and I replaced them both! I bought a couple of barebones systems with cheap components, mostly for administrative use, but even so they were not good enough.
              Tim Nelson


              • #8
                I got that problem with a dell machine that was using an nvidia raid controller on the motherboard - it used to spit errors that weren't really errors and freak me out - not sure if the machine on the network you're saving to has a raid but it may be the cause.


                • #9
                  No raid not know what the deal is?!?!? It is really frustrating...I'd like to work on these machines instead of just using them as render nodes!


                  • #10
                    Hey thablanch.....what is that data serving setting?


                    • #11
                      he wasnt talking about a setting He said the server used to be a unix/linux based machine, but they reinstalled it back to a windows machine. Thats not a setting... its a lot of work

                      I had a similar problem with one of my hdd's.. kind of falls asleep and doesnt wake up.. then windows starts popping up those errors. Its basically saying windows cannot connect properly to that device.
                      It could be a network problem (is only one machine getting those errors)
                      How often do those errors appear??


                      • #12
                        It is happening quite often.....say every 4 or 5 saves. It is only happening on the two new computers....the others are fine.


                        • #13
                          I assume you have updated the network card drivers? (They usually come with the motherboard drivers if your using the onboard network cards)

                          Have you tried writing some random files to those network locations from those 2 affect machines. See if its just something with max perhaps?
                          It could also be a permissions problem on the file server, but then I would assume it just wouldnt work at all.

