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300- your thoughts

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  • #16
    what did you guys think of the homosexual references?
    Chris Jackson


    • #17
      homosexual references?

      Oh I dont know jacks, there's hardly any women in here...

      Have not seen it yet, but am going for the visuals.

      Off point though,went to see Meet the robinsons with my daughter and caught a 3D version, which had some really good sense of depth to it.

      This 3D movie's have certainly come a long way since the coloured glasses stuff, I for one think its the way to go.[[/quote]


      • #18


        • #19
          I thought it was horrible. That said I didn't mind watching it as much as I "should" have.

          The war propiganda is over the top!! "Freedom is worth dying for (especially if Iranians... I mean Persians are involved)."

          Racism? yup. Africans and Muslims and Asians Oh MY!
          Homophobia? WOW! A 10' drag queen is the villian. I guess there are some people who will find that scary but for me it was a bit of a stretch.

          When I saw it half of the audiance was jeering/laughing at the film. I was just waiting for a army recruter to come by at the end.

          AND yet I was offended and at times bored but I kind of liked watching it. I was expecting more "monsters" and something about the CG or the way it was filmed made me think it was a 20'x20' set. There was something that was not convincing about the film that made it feel like one of those video games where you can only walk forward not left or right to explore.

          I give it thumbs down but only because of the racism/homophobia/ imperialism/bushism. Corny scripts and blood are usually what get me to a movie.


          • #20
            The enjoyment of any film is grounded in what you are wtching it for. This film brings paintings like Frank Frazettas (Conan, Tarzan, Creepy, etc) to life, it brings graphic novel artwork (Frank Miller, of course) to life. The previews pretty much told the viewer what to expect. The emphasis was on movie graphics...which is why i went. I had little expectations beyond the i loved it because it met and exceeeded those expectations.
            Why anyone would not be able to tell what the movie was going to be like after seeing the previews and having experience with Frank Millers last translation to the screen is beyond me.
            The movie is comic book graphics raised to new heights. The story is comic book. The characters are comic book. It is what it is.

            My only complaint is that the sound was turned on so loud in the movie theater that my (previously damaged eardrums from the last rock concert i went to) went into regression for about an hour or two after leaving the theater. I, literally, was hard of hearing during those few hours afterword.



            • #21
              wow that's a fascinating set of reviews - I saw the trailer and read newspaper reviews and thought 'no way' - Gladiator just annoyed me and I once read Thucydides - but now I gotta see it..

              [saw Arthur and the Invisibles a few weeks ago with my 9 yr old son - now that really is an odd mishmash by a formerly respected director]


              • #22
                The war propiganda is over the top!! "Freedom is worth dying for (especially if Iranians... I mean Persians are involved)."
                I find this a little funny because no set of people in America are more against the war in Iraq than the Hollywood bunch.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Sawyer
                  The war propiganda is over the top!! "Freedom is worth dying for (especially if Iranians... I mean Persians are involved)."
                  Exactly why is this such a bad thing?

                  Its told by a man within the film - its his personality, its his views and opinions. Are writers not allowed to write films about bad people, lest they be accused of being those people and holding the same views themselves?
                  Its just a character, not a message or theme the writers were trying to convey. If you dont like him, great, i'm pretty sure the intention wasnt for you to sympathise with him anyway.

                  Also, that slow motion sequence when the battle first starts was stunning. I couldve watched a whole film of that, the constant fluid running, flipping people, stabbing them and avoiding them and just generally being the biggest badass ever was immense.


                  • #24
                    just saw it.

                    amazing. another cracking miller conversion. anyone wanna guess what one will be next? im hoping for ronin!

                    effects where great, story was excellent, deeper than expected, especially the whole story telling aspect. my only crit was the mish mash of accents.

                    i would have cacked my pants seeing those spartens running at me....

                    ohh and the slow mo fight start.......beautiful

                    as for the other references mentioned here? homophobia and racism....??? what film were u guys watching. looked like good solid entertainment to me. although it did mash history, but then again it was based off the comic, and not a history book...
                    Freelance TD/Generalist


                    • #25
                      I really liked seeing things i learnt in grade school "come to life" on the big screen. I wasn't expecting much, but I enjoyed it more than I expected. I'm glad that most of it was battle scenes and story telling, not all about the romance and politics. As far as comparing it to a video game, I do not think it had that feel like some others I've seen. That said, I don't really play vids anymore so it was not an influence on my viewing.
                      Overall, I was pleasantly suprised by a hearty action dosage. I went expecting to see an action movie with great battle scenes, and that's what I saw.

                      Was Xerxes really played by Boy George, lol?


                      • #26
                        Yeah I think Ronin would be another great conversion

