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Particle challenge

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  • Particle challenge

    I thought I would post this here as the experience/knowledge level here seems to exceed most other max forums...

    now that i've buttered you all up,

    I've been struggling with an animation challenge and have tried several options. I need to duplicate this look:

    i've tried particle flow with several different techniques. I've set up a grid of planes using a free plugin ObjectPostition Plus from

    I've set up Collision spawns to start the animation with multiple collision objects/gizmos. I like this method best because i can control where the action is happening. But I am totally open to new ideas.

    I've also used reactor to no avail. i can get the wind to rotate a collection of panels but it doesn't have the natural look of the video above.

    Any thoughts?


  • #2
    Wow, that looks like a real challenge

    The underlying movement looks a lot like a cloth sim, or even fluids. If it were me I would try to get a sim with one of those to to look close to the right motion and then try to drive particles off of that.
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      I would go the scripting route. I am no maxscripter but i do have bobo's cg-academy dvd and he uses a bunch different techniques to shift around animated objects. Seems to me that you could animate one and then use controlled randomness to shift the keys within an array.

      You might want to pop over to cgtalk and ask bobo for some help. Or email him direct.
      -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


      • #4
        ...funny stuff. i am working on a children's hospital right now. we are in the process of contacting Ned Kahn about doing an installation along the roof line. the piece shows up in the image i am working on right now. luckily, this is a static image, so i used a displacement map, to create waves, and a custom large grided map to give it texture.

        i am looking forward to see what you wind up with in the end.

        how close is you animation going to be to the screen?

        ...maybe look at some water generation plug-ins as a possible solution to creating wind waves, and a com,ples texture map applied to the surface. if you don't need to be close to the object, that might work. i think there was a free one posted not to long ago.


        • #5

          i would go the pinwall needle route like they did the nine inch nails video:

          Seems to best fit the thing. You basically prepare an animated bitmap series with a compositing tool or whatever and then drive the geometry grid with this per script. Somewhere in the thread above should be a link to the solution I think

          Best regards

          visit my developer blog


          • #6
            I would do it by playing with particles in combustion, then outputting that as an animation sequence to be used as a displacement map.

            I've used this technique for water flowing down a stone wall to some success.


            • #7

              thanks for all the replies.

              Displacement works with limited results. it looks ok from a distance but is too obvious from close up. We will animate a camera past the installation and probably come well within 10ft of the flappers. they need to actually rotate.

              My coworker/manager is actually the man working on it. he had some success with a rigged setup using lookat controllers linked to dummies controlled by displacement.

              that worked for a grid of 100 flappers. our installation will have roughly 50,000 squares.

              yes, scripting is the answer. Our scripter guy is busy busy.

              @dimo - yes, the pinwall needle route has obvious connections. I can see how to set up one flapper this way but no easy way to do mass quantities.

              @cmg - i have a feeling that we will end up renering a lot more of Ned's work into our projects. The client loves it, the designers and architects love it... I love it! Yes I have the waves plugin from It is very cool but looks too much like water and not enough like wind. If we end up going the displacement route, we will give it a fair shot though.

              @dellis - bobo is the man! and maybe a last resort, as i'm sure he is a busy guy. Plus, I barely speak his language (MaxScript)!

              @RErender - Clothsim looks like a good path too if we can transfer the deformation to rotation en mass. If we can achieve that, we could use many methods; displacement, noise/wave modifiers or spacewarps... that would really open things up.

              @Dynedain - again, it's the displacement to rotation connection that we're stumped on.

              Thanks all, I'll keep you posted. My coworker is working with Reator all weekend and should have some interesting results/conclusions come Monday!



              • #8
                i was forwarded this video from someone in the office a couple of hours ago...



                • #9
                  i would go down the pinwall technique like Dimo pointed out. You could easily get some footage of wind on water and then its pretty much done
                  Chris Jackson


                  • #10
                    Here is another way. For best results you would need a good animated displacement map.


                    You could also try using cloth (preserving the top verts) if you wanted to use an acutal wind space warp.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by charleyc
                      Here is another way. For best results you would need a good animated displacement map.


                      You could also try using cloth (preserving the top verts) if you wanted to use an acutal wind space warp.
                      that was awesome.


                      • #12

                        Thats a really great solution. Great job!
                        -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


                        • #13
                          So THATS what bloody volume select does

                          Geez, cant believe at this stage I didnt know that.. well I guess I have never used it so ...haha

                          Great idea Charley!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DaForce
                            So THATS what bloody volume select does

                            Yeah, that modifier has saved me a lot of time over the years,

                            Thanks for the compliments guys.


                            • #15
                              Geez, the countless hours of repetitive work that could have saved me. Guess I never really thought about it..

                              Thanks again for the video and the enlightenment

