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Fry Render - Interesting...

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  • Fry Render - Interesting...
    My Flickr

  • #2
    **The answer is easy: the letters F-R-Y are an acronym of the words "Fversoft RaYtracer"**

    its a bunch of random letters, not an acronym, hehe however the images do look nice

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
    stupid questions the forum can answer.


    • #3
      its a very promissing looking piece of software imo!
      Nuno de Castro
      00351 917593145


      • #4
        My favorite thing is it's flares and glows, I liked the part of the interview where he said the recommended hardware is the biggest baddest "weaponry" one can afford.
        Eric Boer


        • #5
          I like the idea of this realtime engine, which is connected to the renderer.
 | - home of hdri knowledge


          • #6
            I'm a Fryrender user as well as Maxwell.....I haven't played much with it but so far it has a very professional team working on having the features available as soon as possible , every RC has very significant improvements.
            show me the money!!


            • #7
              except the lack of supporting x64. Oh, and still no trial available. Great.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Randy
                except the lack of supporting x64. Oh, and still no trial available. Great.
                man please do not start again to dizz...
                i'am using fry quite some time now, and its a real powerful renderer!!
                support is real great, and its still in beta!!! so i'am sure it will all coming.



                • #9

                  did you also see the link above.... ?

                  Isnt that your great lamp, fry does show on those interview

                  nice thing there...

                  see you soon..

                  but ? What do you prefer ? fry or maxwell? ah no.. better dont ask it.. hehe...



                  • #10
                    maybe its just me but it looks like they have been PSing the noise out on their images...i would not bet on it though as i havent had a chance to try it out myself....

                    kind of curious whether it will be able to deliver hires production images in decent times...
                    teabag studios



                    • #11
                      I was curious about fry, too, so I looked around on the user forum, and saw more "noise" than most images on their website/gallery/interview...didn't see any render times though. Any Fry users care to touch on that?


                      • #12
                        I'll let Jonas be more precise, as i am not a Fry user, but what Jonas showed me in highres was stunningly low on noise.
                        An entirely different ballpark from Maxwell, very close to the ppt quality we're all used to.
                        The ppt render of the beer bottle Jonas posted here showed some caustics on the backwall, while the same object rendered with fry did not.
                        It may well be down to a number of things not directly dependant on the engines as such (rendertime, materials, lighting, and whatnot), but maybe the Fry coder found some really clever way of tracing its paths.

                        This said, i don't think noise is such a big issue unless one means to display images on a monitor (in which case what's the use of an 8k render...), or to produce animations (ugh.still the same applies, one doesn't render 8k images for animation, unless he's planning on double imax resolutions...).
                        Prints, when the noise pattern is consistent, and doesn't present ugly spots here and there, hide most if not all of it.

                        One of the things that is more stunning about fry, for me, is its own image format.
                        It actually stores Radiometric units inside the pixel cell, not color values as such, and does tonemapping to convert those into LDR images displayable on a monitor.
                        Joking with a mate, the other day i said they invented the Raxel...



                        • #13
                          well said Lele, and don t forget their realtime vizualization tool wich will be also available...
                          Nuno de Castro

                          00351 917593145


                          • #14
                            hi lele,

                            Yes i´ve seen them also those immages from Jonas.

                            If i am not wrong the thing he liked more about maxwell also was the userinterface and the materials...

                            also a big point.

                            Well i didnt use it yet. But it seems to be a serious alternative to maxwell like things.

                            On the other hand...

                            didnt vlado tell something about christmas wishes somewhere ? something like those realtime preview thing, from those lightwave rendererplugin.. ?


                            still so much to come...



                            • #15
                              ahah very very true
                              Not like we're spoiled for new things...
                              Vray may be taking time coming to a "stable" release number (the release number, stable. Vray IS in most of its internal and public releases), but i prefer to see it as a process of continuous refinement, something quite different from bugfixing per se.
                              There are so many things going on under the hood in VRay...


