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Need to spec 2 PC's - advise would be great :o)

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  • Need to spec 2 PC's - advise would be great :o)

    hi all,

    I am about to add 2 pc's to my current dated system. I'm looking at getting 1 half decent pc (single proc) and one very well spec'd dual proc machine that will handle the heavy stuff. I plan to assemble them myself as I have done this on previous machines. I am a bit out of touch with the current hardware and which is best bang for buck, intel seems to be the option of choice (unlike when I made my last 2 systems) but so many chips out there its a head wrecker,
    what seems to be the norm for ram these days?
    looking forward to any insight ,
    Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.

  • #2
    I have just built myself a renderfarm on a budget and have used AMD.

    My main workstation is:
    AMD X2 4600+ (oc to 2.7ghz from 2.4ghz)
    3gb DDR2 667 Ram
    256mb Ati Radeon 1950pro

    The rendernodes are:
    2x X2 3800+ & 1x X2 4600+
    Each with 2gb DDR2 667 ram
    Each cost about £200

    The setup will render out the current benchmark scene in about 2mins 10secs using DR.

    Just for reference, a AMD X2 4600+ is the equivilent to a 2.16ghz Core 2 Duo but it is about half the price. I know this because I also have a 20" iMac with a 2.16ghz Core 2 Duo and the benchmark comes out about the same time as the 4600+

    I am really happy with it, I will put a picture up later of the setup when I get home.


    • #3
      The price on the Macpro dual quad 3.0 looks pretty good
      Eric Boer


      • #4
        Originally posted by RErender
        The price on the Macpro dual quad 3.0 looks pretty good
        I heard they it's trick to install XP64.

        I wonder if any experienced people might chime in....


        • #5
          I didn't really have problems getting XP64 up and running on my Mac Pro (Dual Core 2.66)... and it runs FAST

          A MacBook Pro (laptop) on the other hand is a different matter, since Apple hasn't released any 64bit drivers. Most of the missing drivers can be found by individual manufacturers (like Intel) but you wont find them for things like the Apple touchpad


          • #6
            anyone here built a Dual Quad? I am a bug fan of dual proc since my first dual P3 5 yrs ago. Whats the deal with the Macpro's, they seem to ship with MAC OS, do you reformat for winos?,

            Blitterswitch, have you had any issues with DR, seems like a good cost effective setup you have, but I think I am leaning towards intel (much as I like amd) was reading tomshardware and they are due to release a beast of a chip soon.

            Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


            • #7
              Yeh, I think the reason AMD have halved the cost of their current generation chips is because the new ones are on their way.

              My only issues with DR have been down to user error (mainly to do with path descriptors when moving files from work to home and also learning how to use lightcache and irradiance map caches and letting off nodes see them)

              I love my setup and in fact it is more than twice as fast as my computer in work! ha - I am also working on Logmein as well in order to allow me to control my farm at home at the same time as working in work.

              Mac Pros do come with os x installed and in order to install windows you need to install boot camp (which is a free download from apple) and also have a copy of windows to install.

              Its a fairly painless procedure and I regularly use xp on my iMac in boot camp for various stuff and for all intents and purposes it IS a pc when it is running.

              I personally don't think that the intel core 2 duos offer good value for money in comparison to the AMD right now but they ARE definitely more future compatible.


              • #8
                damm, I thought I got a link in this forum to a really good chart detailing the times of render for about 20 different cpu's (Not the Vrayelite one),
                anyone know of this link? i looked and looked and am begining to think I got the link from another site.

                Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


                • #9
                  This one?
                  Eric Boer


                  • #10
                    thats it
                    thanks man

                    Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.

