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complicated intricate design

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  • complicated intricate design


    yes, someone ask me to do this thing, i dropped my jaw a little bit, but frankly speaking, honestly, can win xp and max (i dont want to sound so doubtful but gotta ask can vray handle this?) take the task with 2 gb ram? if not, what machine and with what spec, you kind people would recommend me, or if we can do it with 32 bits softwares and os, what method are we talking about?

    and if you don't mind, please state your opinion about the charging price for doing these kind of rendering if they ask you... (please i don't really want to be the one ruining any market anywhere for charging too low, or lose the job because i charge too high or somesort like that....)

    thanks !
    Dominique Laksmana

  • #2
    Take lots of photos, undistort them and paint displacement maps for them in illustrator - do it in there so you have control over the thickness of vector lines and so on afterwards. Even using the photos themselves as a displacement map will get you partically there. For some of the larger scrolls you could model them but for all of the small intricate details map it.


    • #3
      with 2gb of ram your really pushing it. Simple geometry and ALOT of texture work.

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #4
        that what i was thinking. simple geometry and alots of texture. unfortunately, they don't have frontal view of the ornament's designs.. if i have to do it in illustrator, wheeeeew...... scary man!! heheheh

        so nobody state any price yet :P
        Dominique Laksmana


        • #5
          I worked on a very ornate project (The Dome of the Rock) it was a section for a high school text book. It took many days in photoshop to do the texture work. I bought 3 reference books scanned them in and drew over them so I could modify the textures - and I really didn't want to deal with and copyright issues. It was an interior and an exterior and I had months to do it (real deadlines are great) I charge around $3k maybe less I cannot remember. It waas a really fun project because I had everything built so I had real references not architects telling me how everything should look changing their mind... Anyway.


          • #6
            gotta turn this down then.... it's 2 weeks time. if that is the only project i am dealing with, i guess i can stay awake for few nights in between... but as usual, we don't have that kind of luxury of time... so i think it's a bye bye to this hehehe....
            Dominique Laksmana


            • #7
              What about some type of image modeling software/photogrammetry? Never used it myself but maybe someone can chime in who has.
     - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


              • #8
                I would see what quality they need, if you could mostly just map to simple geometry...
                Eric Boer


                • #9
                  Are they looking for something "like" this or an exact duplicate?

                  (Either way, 2 week probably isn't enough time.)


                  • #10
                    well, this is what they called "sample of design"... they haven't really come out with the design yet.. this is the level of difficulty,look at those tables, chandelier, ceiling , color scheme (gold---glossy reflection lower than 1--- which is heavy as well)
                    Dominique Laksmana


                    • #11
                      No way this is a 2 week project, not for any reasonable level of quality at least.


                      • #12
                        I know someone that can model those interiors with some reasonable quality, but in 2 weeks it's impossible.
               is back!


                        • #13
                          3k for a months long project? wow were you doing other jobs as well?

                          MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                          stupid questions the forum can answer.


                          • #14
                            i just emailed them stating the price and time line, let's see what they say about that... this should be hilarious.. hehe
                            Dominique Laksmana


                            • #15
                              looks pretty challenging indeed. i agree with Dynedain, 2 weeks seems impossible to do it justice. i would say one month and at least 15 grand depending the details.

