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Off topic Mental Ray 3.4 network rendering Deadline 2

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  • Off topic Mental Ray 3.4 network rendering Deadline 2

    I am helping out another animator here at work who is using Mental Ray - the company is being stingy with a third license of Vray. Anyway he is getting license errors when he tries to render with Mental Ray 3.4 and Deadline2 and Max 7.5 . Am I missing something huge here ? you can network render using Mental Ray with 7.5 right ?

    I thought that if there is a simple answer to be given to this question I would get it here.

    Thanks as always for your help.

  • #2
    Not with max 7, the free copy of mental Ray came out with max 8....
    Two heads are better than one ...
    ....but some head is better than none.....


    • #3
      Thanks a million

      Thanks a million - that is what I was thinking - he'll have to get 8 or 9 on the farm or else convince them here to get another copy of Vray

      Thanks again.

